
From Bolivar Breeze - February 8, 1895; Researched &

Submitted by Richard Palmer--transcribed by Ron Taylor



Snap Shots Caught on the Fly by a Breeze Scribe

The engraving of the new jail, about which  so much has been

said and written since it was completed, gives a good idea of

the structure.   
The building is built of red brick and is handsomely and durably

finished both in inside and out.  Critics asserted that the jail is

too small--before they had inspected it.  
The jail can accommodate 24 prisoners nicely and in a pinch 29

can be taken care of.  For a moral county like Allegany, the

new jail will do very nicely.  In a coal region county it might be

a trifle too small.  The nine prisoners confined at present do

not find any fault with the size of their quarters.  
The jail is kept "neat as wax" by James Hodnet and wife, and

Deputy Sheriff James Johnson takes delight in piloting visitors

about the premises.  
The jail cost $15,000 and is worth the price.