

Revised List of the Dead Soldiers of the Revolution, 1812, and Civil Wars Who Are Buried in Whitesville and Vicinity —Markers are on Nearly all of the Graves

Whitesville Rural Cemetery

John C. Bartlett, Co. P. 144th N. Y. Infantry

Joseph Bledsoe, 1812

Adelbert S. Brown, Co. E First New York Dragoons

Rev. John B. Chase, 1812

William H. Comstock, hospital steward, 85th N.Y. Infantry

Wilford W. Crandall, Co. B 4th Iowa Infantry

William R. Deake, Co. F First N.Y. Dragoons

Dauphin Dexter, Co. H 85th N.Y. Infantry

Mary E. Dutcher, wife of Harrison B. Butcher, who was killed, 11 Nov. 1864, in Virginia.

*Note: From additional research beyond this article the following should be correct entry: 

“DUTCHER, Mary E Jackson, Wife of Harrison Dutcher Died Nov 16, 1874 Aged 38 Years   (Harrison did not survive the Civil War)”

Manville F. Forsyth, Co. F 109th N.Y. Infantry

Lyndon H. Goodnough, Co. K 137th N.Y.V.; Co. E.lO9th N.Y.

Erwin 0. Graves, Co. E. First N.Y. Dragoons

Lyman 0. Graves, 1812

Albert H. Halsey, Co. A. 23rd N.Y. Infantry; Battery L 1st N.Y. Artillery, 20th N.Y.
Independent Battery

Edwin A. Harris, Co. I 76th Pennsylvania Infantry

Judson D. Jacobs, Co. H. 85th N.Y. Infantry

Warren D. Kenyon, Co. E. First N.Y. Mounted Rifles

David C. Mattison, Co. A. 9th N.Y. Heavy Artillery

John A. Miller, Co. A. 5th N.Y. Heavy Artillery

Charles Pritchard

Ebenezer Richmond, 1812

Edward A. Richmond, Co. G. 46th Pennsylvania Infantry

Murray J. Richmond, killed before Petersburg, Va., 17 July 1864

Matilda Sawyer, mother of Selic A. Sawyer, who was killed in action 31 May 1862,
at Fair Oaks, Va.

J. Warren Seger, Co. I 189th N.Y. Infantry

John G. Sherman, Co. E. First Minnesota Infantry

Byron B. Slade, Co. D. 132nd Pennsylvania Infantry; Co. B. 20th Pennsylvania
Infantry; Co. G. 2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery

Eben E. Slade, Co. G. 2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery

Samuel J. Tallman, Co. E. First N.Y. Dragoons, killed in action, 12 June 1864 at
Trevilian Station, Va.

Tunis Tallman, Co. F. 109th N.Y. Infantry, killed in action, 12 May 186? at
Spottsylvania, Va.

Almanzo Wiley, Co. E. First N.Y. Dragoons

Independence Cemetery

Wellman Barney, Co. C. 85th N.Y. Infantry, died 8 Sept. 1862.

William Briggs, 1812

Newell Brown, Co. H. 85th N.Y. Infantry, died a prisoner of war at Wilmington,
N. C., 16 Feb. 1865.

Talbert Collins, Co. H. 85th N.Y. Infantry, died a prisoner of war at Florence, S. C.
30 November 1864

George Crandall, drummer, 160th N.Y. Infantry

James L. Eaton, Co. C. 85th N.Y. Infantry, died at Newport News, Va. , 25 April

Lewis B. Fish, Co. G. 52nd N. Y. Infantry

Ethan S. Green, Co. C. C. 85th N. Y. Infantry, died a prisoner of war in Andersonville,
Ga., 24 May 1864

Isaiah W. Green, 1812

Joel Green, company and regiment not known

Albert H. Heseltine, Co. C. 85th N. Y. Infantry, died 25 Aug. 1864

Richard S. Jacobs, Co. I 160th N.Y. Infantry

Orson Kenyon, Co. E. First N. Y. Dragoons, died at Crany Island, Va., 18 Sept. 1862

John P. Livermore, 1812

Samuel A. Livermore, Co. C. 85th N. Y. Infantry

Jackson O’Dell, Co. G. 151st Indiana Infantry

Nathaniel Perkins, a soldier of the Revolution

Henry Stillman, Co. B. 16th N. Y. Heavy Artillery

Francis M. Wood, Co. E. First N. Y. Dragoons

Hillside Cemetery at Whitesville

Samuel Chapman, 1812

James Covel, a soldier of the Revolution

Asa M. Graves, Co. I. 189th N. Y. Infantry

John 0. Horton, Co. I. 189th N. Y Infantry

Archelaus Putman, 1812

Milo Walter, Co. H. 85th N, Y. Infantry

White’s Corners Cemetery

Hiram 0. Chapin, Co. E. 1st N. 1. Dragoons

Obed D. Nye, Co. B. 179th N. Y. Infantry

Spring Mills Cemetery

Mortimer Olmsted, Co. H. 141st N, Y. Infantry

Briggs Farm - South Hill

Fernando C. Briggs, Co, H. 85th N. Y. Infantry

West Union Cemetery

Palmer Warfield, Co. G. 86th N. Y. Infantry

Kenyon Farm

Zeba Norton, 1812


Transcribed 2005 by Mary Rhodes, from “The Whitesville News” -- Whitesville, Allegany County, New York, Thursday 30 May 1912

*Addendum 1/25/2012 by Mary Rhodes