

Reuben H. Moses Passes Away From Burns Received October 1, While at Work--Funeral Thursday

Eldred--Burns suffered by Reuben H.Moses of this place, October 1, caused his death, Monday, at the Bradford General Hospital, where he had been in a critical condition since the time of the accident.

Mrs Moses,an employee of the Eldred Refinery, was burned while engaged in his duties at the plant.

Born in Eldred, PA, May 12, 1887 Mr. Moses was united in marriage on July, 8, 1906 to Miss Nellie McClure of Port Allegany, who passed away, January 17, 1935.  The couple resided in Roulette, PA, and in Port Allegany prior to their residence here.

He is survived by nine children: Mrs. Harriet Michalski, Kennedy , NY: Ray Moses Barnum, NY: Miss Ardell Moses, Olean: James Moses, Eldred: Walter, Guy, Donald, Ruby Lee, and Ruth Ellen all at home: also seven grandchildren.

The body was removed to the home of his son, James Moses here.  Funeral services will be held at the Eldred Episcopal Church, Thursday afternoon, at 2 PM. Burial will be in Card Creek Cemetery

Olean Times Herald 12/6/1938

Submitted by Don Adams