
From the Andover News April 9, 1915.
Transcribed by Gary Goodridge.



Life long neighbors and friends of John H. Kemp of Pingrey Hill were greatly surprised at the news of his death on Monday afternoon at 1:30. Mr. Kemp was convalescing slowly from an attack of bronchial pneumonia, when the strain upon the heartbecame too severe and with but brief warning he passed away.

Mr. Kemp was born in a log cabin on Pingrey Hill not far from the place of his death, on what is now the Dean farm. Practically all of his life was lived within a mile and a half of hi(s) birthplace. He was born on Oct. 7, 1834, and was thus in his eighty-first year.

In 1857 he was married to Laura Lewis of Andover. Most of their married life was spent on The farm where he died. Mrs. Kemp passed away six years ago on June 9, 1909. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kemp joined the Methodist Church in Andover under pastorate of Reverend Mr. Games.

Of the children born to them three died in infancy, Frederick Arnold, Frederick Arnold and Hulda Francelia. There remain a Daughter, Mrs. Jennie Kemp Hitchcock and children, John and Laura, and an adopted son, John Kemp Jr, and family. Also sharing the burden of affliction Are two brothers, Geo. Kemp, aged 92 years, and Newton Kemp aged 72 years, and a sister-in-law, Mrs L. Ackerman of Wellsville.

A man of stalwart character beloved within his family circle and highly esteemed in a large circle of friends, Mr. Kemp had his life invested in the “things of good report.” The church to which his interest and those of the family were connected always the family were connected always found him ready to assist to the best of his ability. His life-long effort to leave the record of a clean life has been accomplished.

Funeral services were held at the house Thursday afternoon. Rev. F.M. Baker officiating. Interment at Elm Valley cemetery.