From Wellsville Allegany County Reporter June 28, 1904.
Transcribed by Joseph Damiano.
Vacuum Oil Co. Attempt to Lay Pipe Line Over Reese Farm.
In the Scio oil field Sunday there was considerable excitement caused by the attempt of the Vacuum Oil Co. representatives, a branch of the Standard, to lay a pipe line across the James Reese farm in opposition to the wishes of the owner. The Vacuum Co. has recently been piping the Scio field with the intention of buying the oil and shipping it in tank cars to their refinery at Olean. In order to set to another lease it was necessary to cross the James Reese farm of fifty acres and the owner as well as the leeces, Meesrs. Norton & Baldwin, had reined permission for the laying of such line. Some time Sunday morning between 2 and 4 o'clock a gang of men strung a two inch line over the Reese farm and as soon as it was discovered the owners set to work and threw the pipe off the farm before it was connected up. Since that time there has been guard on duty and today the owners will apply to the courts for an injunction restraining the Vacuum Oil Co. representatives from crossing the property.
This item also appears under Scio Related Articles.