Veterans of Allegany County NY
Veteran Information and Lists on this website are stored within the Towns Information as well as some articles that are available of general county-wide interest.
To read general information of county-wide interest choose one of the articles listed below on this page.
Optionally, you can go directly to the Towns Menu at the right column and choose the Town that you wish to research. If we have information to share about that town on the website it will be listed on the Town home page and you can navigate accordingly.
Note: We are lacking information for the majority of Towns in the county. We need volunteers and material submitted to us for publication. Won't you consider contacting us if you can offer information that we can present which will properly represent your town? We will publish information of general interest in the "County" area and individual information in the "Town" area of the website.
Send any and all information with your contact information to: