
From the Rushford Spectator, January, 1917.
Transcribed by Joseph Damiano.


Many Men and Teams at Work Hauling Both Hardwood and Hemlock Out of the Woods

Not since the early days has there been so much lumbering carried on in Rushford and vicinity as during the present season.

One of the largest jobs is on the Elwood place at Rawson and quite a number of men and teams are busily at work taking advantage of the present good sleighing. The timber that is being cut is mostly maple, and the logs are delivered to the East Rushford mill where they will be sawed into last-blocks for the show industry. It is understood some ash and elm have been cut and drawn to Cuba.

W.R Harris is having considerable timber and wood cut on the Brooks farm which he purchased last fall. The logs will be cut at his mill in Rushford village, expect the maple which he has sold to Mr. McElheny at East Rushford.

Raymond Sweet, Elmere Kendall and Baylor Brothes are drawling the hemlock logs, which were cut and peeled on Roy Mason's farm last winter, to McElheny's mill at East Rushford.

It is indeed like the old days, now that motor vehicles are snowed in, to watch the traffic through the village. Fully forty loads of logs pass through the village during the daylight hours and to them are added many loads of wood and ice besides the usual teaming.