Home Remedies!!?
No matter what ails you, we do NOT recommend any of the following without first consulting your Physician!!! On second thought, just recommend our website to your Physician!
These were found on an unsigned paper. Contributed by William A. Greene; Thanks Bubba G.
Dr. Raymonds Liniment Alcohol 1 pint, oils of origanum 2oz., worm wood 1 oz., camphor gum 2oz., spirits of turpentine 2oz., and tincture of cantharides 1 oz. Mixed and use as other Liniments. German Phumatic Fluid Oils of hemlock and ceder of each ½ oz., oils ariganum and sassafras each 1 oz., capsicum pulverised 1 oz., spirits of torpintine and gum camphor each ½ oz., put all into a quart bottle and fill with 95% alcohol, shake well then use. Dr. Wright & others cures for Rheumatism Sulpher and salt peter of each 1oz., gum guarac ½ oz., colchicum root or seed and nutmeg ¼ oz., all to be pulverised and mixed with Simple Syrup of molasses 2 oz.. Dose: one teaspoon every 2 hours until it moves bowels rather freely, then 3 or 4 time daily until cured. Rheumatic Liniment Olive oil, spirits of torpintine, camphor and chloroform of each 2 oz., sassafras oil one tea spoon, first add the oil of sassafras to the olive oil, then the spirits of camphor and shake well, before putting in the chloroform. Shaking when used, keeping it corked as the chloroform evoporates very fast if left open. Apply 3 or 4 times daily rubing it well and always toward the body. Green Mountain Salve Rosin 5 lbs., burgondy pitch, bees wax and mutton tallows of each ¼ lb., oil of hemlock, balsam or fir, oil of ariganum, oil of red ceder and benice turpentine of each 1 oz., oil of worm wood ½ oz., vedigris very finely pulverized 1 oz., melt the first articles together and add the oils having rubbed the vedigris up with a little of the oils and put it in with the other articles stirring well, then pour into cold water and work as urn untill cool enough to roll. Pat Diffin said this salve has no equal for rheumatic pains or weakness in side, back or shoulders or any place where pain may locate it self.