
The Cuba Patriot
July 13, 1866

To the Sick.
DR. JACKSON can be consulted at his Office, in the Charles Hotel, Angelica, N. Y., until August 11th – the sick should bear this in mind. Recollect he is at home until August 11th.

August 17, 1866
DR. JACKSON informs us that he will remain at his office in the Charles Hotel, Angelica, until Sept. 1st and that during court week he will attend strictly to all calls from the sick. All persons wishing to consult him should do so during this month, as he must be absent during most of September.

May 21, 1877
Mechanic Street is well named, as it does a big business in the blacksmithing and wagon line, and if you don't believe it, just go to TOM THORNTON'S some day and see.

June 7, 1877
Mr. S. F. Bardwell of the town of Grove is Foreman of the Grand Jury at this term of Court.

Aug. 2, 1877
LLEWELLYN SANBORN brags about his little girl, and so does WALTER ORCUTT, yes and TOMMY SCHOLES. All are doing well. [Birth of Cornelia Minerva Scholes (Evans)]

Aug. 9, 1877
Cow killed. - In the town of West Almond yesterday during a rainstorm, lightning struck a tree on the farm of GEORGE MORTON and killed a cow which was under the same. MR. DAVID WAFFLER works the farm, but the cow belonged to Mr. Morton. A Mrs. Blinn who lived near where the lightning struck, was also severely shocked by the same stroke, but not seriously. We are indebted to Mr. John Hart for the information.

Nov. 8, 1877
At the home of the bride, Oct. 30th, 1877, by REV. JOSEPH MERRING, MR. CHARLES J. WAFLER and MISS AMELIA RENWICK, both of Angelica, N.Y.

The Angelica Advertiser
Thursday, March 14, 1878
Photograph Car will remain in town only one week longer.

April 4, 1878
MR. JOHN DEAUTREMONT, son of V. DEAUTREMONT of this village, was called here from Boone, Iowa, on account of the serious illness of his mother, who has been a long sufferer with rheumatism of over a year. She is still in a helpless condition and confined to her bed. John has been absent from home for nearly three years. He has a position in a large drug store in the above named city.

April 18, 1878
MR. WM. MANNING of the town of Allen, died Wednesday noon last. He was 78 years old, and has been sick for a long time. Mr. Manning was father of MRS. JOHN W. SCHOLES of this village.

April 25, 1878
The Photograph Car will remain in town only one week longer.

May 2, 1878
Now Is The Time
H.E. NOBLE opens a Photograph Gallery in Angelica this week. Mr. Noble has been at Belfast for some time past and the good report we have of his pictures from there is a guarantee of excellent work. He announces that his Photographs are all made form retouched negatives.

May 9, 1878
Stereoscopic views. For the past week, MR. WM. MABIE of Nunda, has been in this vicinity taking stereoscopic views of many private residences in this village, and country residence about us. We notice a very fine one of the residence of MR. JOSEPH RUTHERFORD of Allen. Mr. Mabie is a first-class artist, and the public views of our streets, court house, and jail, park, etc. are very plain and natural. He will have these views printed and finished up for sale by the 25th inst. Parties residing abroad will value them highly and their friends here should be sure to buy them and send them as presents.

The Angelica Advertiser
May 23, 1878
Gibson - In this village, on the 19th last, MARY E. GIBSON, wife of John Gibson, aged 46 years. Mrs. Gibson had been a sufferer for several years, with disease of the heart, which baffled the skill of the most experienced physicians. She was greatly respected by all who knew her, as the large attendance at her funeral Monday afternoon gave evidence. She was a true Christian and a member of the church for several years past. She was a kind wife and mother, and leaves a husband, two sons and a daughter to mourn her loss, and will be greatly missed by them.

Aug. 1, 1878
All the postmasters of the country have been ordered to send to Washington whatever three-cent pieces they may receive, in order that these coins may be withdrawn from circulation.

Friday, July 18, 1879
Grove Correspondence.
MR. S. F. BARDWELL built a barn on Saturday, the 12th. The men played croquet till about 3 o’clock p.m., when they lifted the first stick of timber, and before sundown it was raised, boarded, roofed, and all ready for the hay. The men then enjoyed a supper and some more croquet and then went to their homes very well satisfied with their job.

The Friendship Chronicle, Vol. 1, No. 21,
June 30, 1880


The American Hotel which has under gone such a complete change and which is now known as the LaMont House ranks as one of the best hotels in the county.

The Friendship Chronicle, Vol. 1, No. 21,
June 30, 1880


The new walk in front of the schoolhouse is decidedly an improvement. And, by the way, Angelica prides herself on good walks and nicely kept streets.

The Canseraga Times
Friday, Feb. 3, 1882


WHITE-MONAGHAN - On Sunday, Jan. 29th, 1882, at the office of, and by S.F. BARDWELL, Esq. Of Grove, Edward White of Brooklyn, NY, and Martha Alice Monaghan of Grove.

Allegany Co Republican
March 17, 1882

CHAS. D’AURTREMONT, in looking over some old papers recently, came upon a letter written to his father, from France, in 1806, and directed to “ALEXANDER D’AUTREMONT, Angelica, New York, U.S.A., on the Great Road leading from Hudson to Presqueisle.” That reads ancient.

Friday, Nov. 10, 1882


SMITH-GLADY. At the residence of the bride's parents, by S.F. Bardwell, Esq., Nov. 4, 1882, Henry J. Smith and Miss Lena Glady, all of Grove.

The Cuba Patriot
June 14, 1888

It is a cold fact. The bustle is gone, no more to return. The lovely women of Fifth and Madison Avenues, New York, are now wearing dresses rave in color and very pleasing, but the skirts are all cut straight in the back, not a trace being left of the bustle. Go thou and do likewise.

The Cuba Patriot
January 24, 1889

Angelica School House Burned.

The Union School building of Angelica was totally destroyed by fire last night. Insured for $4,000.

Allegany Co. Republican
Nov. 29, 1889

Canaseragans will put down a test well for gas, oil, or salt. Go it.

Apr. 29, 1892

HERMAN RICE is in Buffalo receiving instruction in embalming.

The Allegany County Republican
Friday Sept. 19, 1902


The many friends of REV. T. E. THURESSON will greatly regret his leaving Angelica. Mr. Thuresson has been pastor of the Methodist church for several years and has gained many warm friends.

The Angelica Advocate

Sept. 3, 1908

Bought Addition to Angelica Cemetery.

The present Angelica cemetery lots were nearly all taken up and it was necessary to secure more land for an addition to the cemetery in order to take care of those who desired a burial place. The cemetery trustees on Saturday last completed the purchase of Evergreen cemetery which was laid out by S.S. Palmer some time ago and which is situated just west of the old cemetery.  There is about four acres in the plot and the price paid was $1000. Sixteen lots which were sold by Mr. Palmer to different parties are included in the sale. The tract is an ideal one and there are a great many desirable lots therein.

August 18, 1910

WM. E. ABBEY of High Street is seriously ill with typhoid fever. During the past two weeks seven very mild cases of diphtheria have developed within the village.

September 1, 1910

Anthrax has broken out in the vicinity of Allegany - a bull and a mare and a colt have died of the disease. The bull was skinned and its hide sold before the nature of the disease was known.

October 21, 1910

Believe polio contagious and will quarantine for 21 days.

November 24, 1910

Jamestown has forty cases of typhoid.

August 6, 1914

The children are being vaccinated preparatory to entering school this fall.

August 20, 1914

A total eclipse of the sun will occur on Friday, Aug. 21st. It is strange that the eclipse will only be visible over that section of Europe, which is the scene of the war.

July 15, 1915

One of DANIEL EVANS' fine black horses has been sick with lockjaw, but through the efforts of DR. I.G. HOWE, the veterinarian, the horse is getting better and will soon be well. Dr. Howe has recently had three cases of lockjaw and has lost only one case, and that was lost because he was called too late.

January 24, 1918

Help the Carriers.

The season is again at hand when the RFD carrier is forced to endure all sorts of hardships in delivering your mail. Especially when snow banks have to be bucked is his work doubly hard. The carrier is paid to deliver the mail, not to work the roads, and if patrons expect mail promptly each day, just see that the approach to each mailbox is kept open. See that the road along your land is kept open Also don't leave parcels in the box for the carrier to fish out with fingers that are already nearly frozen.

November 27, 1919


The marriage of Miss Grace Irene Hooker and Mr. Clair Myron Evans was solemnized at the 9th Street M.E. parsonage, Olean, NY, Nov. 19, 1919, at 10 o'clock. The Rev. I.H. Crocker officiating. The young couple left immediately after the ceremony for Rochester and other southern points.

Mr. and Mrs. Evans are both well-known young people of this vicinity and their hosts of friends wish them a long life of wedded bliss. They will reside on the Evans homestead where they will welcome their friend, many, many times in the years to come. We all know these young people to be of the type which count for great things in this world, and sheaves garnered into the fold for the master, the community that has a family of this kind started in its midst is rich indeed.

February 12, 1920

All schools, billiard parlors, ice cream parlors, and all public gathering in Wellsville were ordered closed on Monday until the epidemic of flu is on the wane.

February 12, 1920

We have not secured all the names of those who have been sick with colds, grip or flu for this week, and if your name is not mentioned, just phone us, or tell us, for the paper next week. We don't want to overlook you.

February 12, 1920

The Wellsville Red Cross has opened a hospital in the new Odd Fellows Hall there to take care of influenza patients. The hospital was opened last week and Monday there were 20 patients being cared for there. The Wellsville Hospital is full.

The Angelica Advocate
Thursday February 12, 1920

Two Die Of Flu.


Mrs. E.R. Bardwell died at her home on Mechanic Street Tuesday morning after a few days illness with influenza, although the immediate cause of her death was heart disease from which she had suffered for years. The family had been sick for several days and Mrs. Bardwell seemed to be getting along all right until her heart began to fail. She is survived by her husband and two children. Her son, Eugene Bardwell and wife of Syracuse of both ill with flu and unable to come here.

Funeral services will be held on Friday afternoon at one o'clock.

August 19, 1920
The Angelica Advocate

DR. JOHN COMMON of Andover was called to Bennett, Colorado last week by the serious illness of his brother Arthur of Angelica, who at present is living on his ranch at that place. Dr. Common writes that his brother would be taken to a hospital and his leg, which has caused him great suffering, would be amputated this week. His friends hope for a successful operation.

The Angelica Advocate
August 26, 1920


The 12th reunion of the Scholes family was held at Birdsall, Saturday, August 21st. The harmony, sympathy, love and general happy-go-luckyness that pervades at these reunions makes them something to look forward to each year. We had an added pleasure this year in several friends coming in to take dinner and spend the day with us.

The officers for 1921 are as follows:

J. W. Scholes, President

J. Frank Scholes, Vice President

Grace Scholes Black, Sec. and Treas.

We are invited to meet with the relatives in Hornell next year.

A pleasing program followed the business meeting. A son of welcome by Georganna Scholes, the words being written for the occasion. Recitation, Gladys Gillies; duet; Leona Thornton and Dorothy Oliver; recitation, Merle Evans, recitation, Beulah Kelley; song by Vada and Viola Selover; recitation, Ellen Gregory; recitation, Dona Evans; song, Kenneth Eisaman and Harriet Geiser. James Hamilton of Rochester and Rev. Leach of Ceres were called on for remarks.

Thus endeth the 12th reunion.

August 26, 1920

MR. AND MRS. H. F. WHITE, HARRY WHITE and wife attended their family reunion last week Wednesday, which was held at the home of John White of Belfast. Mrs. H. F. White’s sister, Mrs. Lincoln, returned home with her.

September 9, 1920

Complaints have been received by the State Bureau of Weights and Measures that pressers are not properly marking bales of hay and straw and in some cases the bales bear no marking of any kind.

Commissioner EUGENE H. PORTER states that the Weights and Measures law requires that each bale must be marked with a card or tag the size of which must be not less than one and one-half inches wide and three inches long, on which must appear the name and business address of the presser together with the correct weight of the bale.

Any person violating this law is subject to a penalty and W. T. White director of the Bureau of Weights and Measures, has instructed the city and county sealers to report all violations found by them in order that the guilty persons may be prosecuted where circumstances warrant.

September 9, 1920

DANIEL EVANS is improving his house on the Park Circle by building a new porch.

September 23, 1920
Schools Win Prizes.

Quite a bit of interest has been shown in the exhibiting of schoolwork from the Fourth Supervisory District of Allegany County at the local fairs. The following schools won money prizes as indicated, in competition with over one hundred schools in Allegany and Steuben Counties, at the Hornell Fair. The exhibits will be shown at the Angelica Fair this week and a list of winners printed in another edition.

District: Burns 4, ADA BARDWELL $21.00 [the largest amount won in the list of 29 entrys] [sic]

District: West Almond 2, HENRY EVANS $5.75

September 23, 1920
Church Night in the M. E. Church

In this age of progression the church must needs keep pace with the times. In so doing the First M. E. Church of Angelica has instituted “Church Night” for the purpose of conducting the business of the church in the same business like manner, which other institutions and business corporations would need to employ. Every church member should take an active interest in the business concerns of the church, and should posses an intelligence regarding the expenditures and business dealings of the church toward which he pledges his support.

On Wednesday September 15 occurred the first Church Night reunion. This consisted of a tureen supper, at which about 130 persons were in attendance. The tables were laden with good things and the decorations were most tasteful. After the serving of the supper the adjourned session of the Quarterly Conference was completed. The items of church business were taken up and disposed of in a satisfactory manner. All heads of departments made reports and the officers and committees of the church for the coming year were appointed and confirmed.

The finance committee submitted a total budge of more than $2,800.00. In this was incorporated the report of the estimating committee increasing pastors present salary $400.00. After the unanimous adoption of this report an invitation was extended to Mr. Fleming to return for another year.

November 4, 1920

MRS. DANIEL EVANS went to Cuba Monday for an operation for removal of cataracts from her eyes. The operation was successful and she will be able to return home in a few days, it is expected.

November 11, 1920

The Advocate office is now located in the J. W. SCHOLES building at the head of Mechanic Street near the Park where we are ready for your printing business.

Aug 11, 1921

The annual reunion of the Scholes family will be held at Glenwood near Hornell on August 20th.

Oct 27, 1921

R. C. WAFLER has returned from Weyauwega,Wis., where he was called by the death of his uncle David Wafler.

Jan. 11, 1923

MRS. JULIA WILLIS, who has been spending a week with her daughter, MRS. JOHN BARDWELL in Grove, is back home again.

Jan. 25, 1923

MRS. CAROLINE A. SCHOLES passed from this life January 16, 1923 at 8 o’clock in the evening, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. David Evans, following a long and painful illness, born with Christian courage and grace.

Mrs. Scholes, whose maiden name was Caroline A. d’Autremont was born in the town of Wirt, Allegany Co., this State, December 15, 1851, and spent her entire life in this county.

In 1875, November 17th, she was married to Thomas Scholes, well known in Allegany County. Mr. Scholes died 15 years ago.

There are two daughters to mourn the death of their mother, Mrs. David Evans and Mrs. Charles Morton.

Mrs. Scholes joined the Methodist Church in Angelica August 4, 1889. The Rev. I. T. Walker, pastor. For years she was an active member of the Ladies Aid Society of the church. Mrs. Scholes was greatly esteemed by her large circle of friends and was greatly beloved by those who knew her best.

The funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. Joseph Dennis on Friday, January the 19th at one o’clock P.M. at the home of Mr. David Evans. A quartette sang two beautiful hymns and Rev. Dennis spoke from the 116th Psalm, the 15th verse.

The interment was in the cemetery at Angelica, N.Y.

The Rev. Joseph Dennis held a short memorial service for Mrs. Scholes at the morning service Sunday, following the funeral. The condition of the roads made it impossible for many of her friends to be at the Services on Friday, who otherwise would have been present.

September 13, 1923,

JOHN WILLIAM SCHOLES, a well-known and well-liked man, wagon maker, carpenter and storekeeper died Monday morning, Sept. 10, 1923, at the home of his daughter Mrs. W.W. Dort of Belfast. He was born 1839, in Clone, Anna Lou, Ireland, and came to American when four years old. In 1865 he married Miss Lydia Manning who preceded him in death in 1922. He lived in or around Angelica for more than sixty years. A short service was held at 2 p.m., followed by the regular funeral service at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Angelica, at 3 p.m. Wednesday, of which he was a life long and conscientious member. Service here was conducted by Rev. Herendeep, of Montour Falls.

September 11, 1924

HENRY F. WHITE died at Angelica, September 3, 1924. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Adeline White, one daughter MRS. JAMES A. MCTARNAGHAN of Portage, two sons, Harry E. of Angelica, and Chas E. of Allen, also five grandchildren. The funeral was held at his late home in Angelica, Friday, September 5, 1924.

September 25, 1924

MRS. CHARLES D'AUTREMONT, MR. AND MRS. HUBERT D'AUTREMONT, LOUIS D'AUTREMONT, AND MISS MAE D'AUTREMONT from Duluth, Minn, have been spending some time at the d'Autremont home on Elizabeth Street.

October 22, 1925

MRS. ANNA COMMON entertained a dinner party Saturday in honor of her sisters, MRS. MARGARET BRADT of Castile and MRS. ELIZA MANNING of Wellsville.

November 5, 1925

While on a visit at Portageville, NY on Friday, October 23, Mrs. Adelaide Lincoln, of Angelica, died from a weakened physical condition after an illness of some years.

She was 70 years of age, one of four daughters of ALEXANDER AND DIANA D'AUTREMONT, who formerly lived in the town of Allen. Mrs. Lincoln, with her twin sister, MRS. H.F. WHITE of East Main Street was at the home of the latter's daughter, MRS. BERT MCTARNAGHAN, when she was stricken.

Mrs. Lincoln lived for a number of years on Horner Road, while her late husband, Lysander Lincoln, was employed as a mail carrier on Route 2. For ten years she lived at Industry where Mr. Lincoln was Superintendent, and where he died in 1919. The funeral services were held at the house of Mrs. H.F. White, her former home on East Main Street, on October 26, Rev. B.W. Fairfield of the Baptist Church officiating and the burial was made in the family plot in the Angelica cemetery. Mrs. Lincoln is survived by a son Edgar, of Buffalo, and two sisters, Mrs. Adeline White of Angelica and MRS. SHELDON FROST of Allen.

December 31, 1925

Farmers have been drawing their potatoes to market to the lively tune of two dollars a bushel.

June 1, 1933

Memorial Day the members of the Andrew Scholes family met and had dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morton at West Almond. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. David Evans and family, Mrs. Anna Common, of Andover, Mr. and Mrs. Southerland, Caroline Southerland and Mrs. Margaret Bradt of Castile; Dr. and Mrs. John

Common of Andover, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dort of Belfast, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sylor and sons of Wellsville. A much appreciated part of the program was a recitation given by Mrs. Anna Common, called "Gone with a Handsomer Man."

June 29, 1933
Graduation Exercises

Tuesday night, June 27, the annual Commencement exercises were held at WILSONIAN HIGH SCHOOL. Eight young people in the class of 1933 were graduated. The stage was beautifully decorated with fern, peonies and roses. An unusually fine program was given. All members of the graduating class and the High School orchestra participated.

The previous Sunday evening the Baccalaureate sermon was given in the Episcopal Church. DR. CHARLES F. BINNS of Alfred delivered the sermon and the graduates attended in a body.

December 28, 1933

On and after January 1st, all milk will be 10 cents per quart with a discount of 2 cents per quart if bill is paid in full by the 19th of the following month.

July 19, 1934


Tuesday, July 17, occurred the death of Mrs. Amelia Henderson at her home on East Main Street. Mrs. Henderson had been in extremely poor health for a number of months.

Mrs. Henderson was a life long resident of Angelica. She was born eighty years ago, the youngest child of Francis and Rebekah Renwick at the family home. She married Charles Wafler, who predeceased her; her second marriage was to John Henderson.

She leaves one son, Ray Wafler of Ithaca, N.Y. and two grandchildren, Gladys and Harold Wafler, also of Ithaca.

She has been a member of the local Methodist church since girlhood and the pastor of that church, the Rev. A.J. Gross, will officiate at funeral services at her late home Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in Angelica cemetery.

July 26, 1934
Card of Thanks

The Wafler family wants to take this means of thanking our friends and neighbors who were so kind to our mother and grandmother during her long siege; and also for your consideration and thoughtfulness at the time of her death.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wafler
Miss Gladys Wafler
Harold Wafler

April 11, 1946

MAJOR AND MRS. HAROLD WAFLER of Philadelphia have announced the birth of a daughter, Jane Ella. Mr. Wafler is the son of Mr. And Mrs. Ray Wafler, formerly of this place.

May 16, 1946

MAJOR HAROLD WAFLER of Ithaca, has received his discharge from the Army after 4 1/2 years in service. Mr. and Mrs. Wafler and baby daughter have moved from Philadelphia to Ithaca where they will make their home.

Canaseraga Times
Feb 11, 1887

Married on the 5th of Feb. 1887, by S. F. Bardwell, Esq., Mr. Ora Thompson of Grove to Miss Anna Bennett of Rochester.

Canaseraga Times
Friday, Nov. 10, 1882

Smith-Glady.-At the residence of the bride's parents, by S.F. Bardwell, Esq.,-Nov. 4, 1882, Henry J. Smith and Miss Lena Glady, all of Grove.