

Buffalo Evening Republic, Oct. 16, 1879

A Railroad Case.
      The law and its operations bring to light some remarkable acts of mankind, and among those which are somewhat strange we may mention the following:


Mr. D.D. Woodman is a thrifty farmer living in the township of Nunda, Livingston County, and across his farm the tracks of the Rochester, Nunda & Pittsburgh Railroad were laid. Some years ago, when the road was being built, the right of way was obtained in the usual form and the iron duly put down.  In all these years the railroad has never been operated, and it is safe to presume that Woodman got tired of seeing only rank weeds growing up upon the road-bed and concluded that he might as well get what he 
could out of the defunct concern.
      Woodman proceeded to take up the rails, about one hundred in number, the fish-plates, bolts and nuts, and when this had been done he looked about him for a customer. In time he found the Silver Lake Railway, and to them he sold the property, and now the Rochester, Nunda & Pittsburgh Railroad Company have begun an action in the Supreme Court against the Silver Lake Railway Company for the value of the iron. The case will
probably be tried in the Livingston County Circuit, and other farmers who are charged with having done the same thing had perhaps better fortify themselves  by finding out whether they are doing a paying or legitimate business.


(Researched & Submitted by Richard Palmer)