
From Belmont Dispatch, April 1, 1910.
Transcribed by Joseph Damiano.


Scio People Subscribe 2,500 for Wellsville to Allentown Trolley- Amount May be "Doubled"

The trolley company which purposes to build an electric surface railway from Wellsville to Bolivar, has been duty chartered and a certificate of Incorporation issued at Albany to the South Western New York Traction Company. This corporation is capitalized at $200,000, of which $20,000 is said to have been already paid in cash, with $54,000 of the stock subscribed for by Bolivar, Allentown and Baltimore investors. Among the directors of the trolley company will be C.M VanCuren and G Bradley of Bradley of Bolivar, and B.F Patterson of Baltimore. The route will be from Wellsville to Allentown via Scio and Knight's Creek if the right of way can be secured free, other wise probably by Norton Summit. A trolley meeting was held at the Firemen's Hall at Scio Wednesday evening, and considerable interest was shown B.F Patterson of Baltimore was present, C.M Van Curen of Bolivar, who has charge of the subscriptions for the new trolley company, was late in reaching Scio and many who were at this meeting had left, but $2,500 was subscribed. This amount will probably be more than doubled at the meeting to be held next Thursday evening in Firemen's Hall.