Bolivar Breeze, Aug. 8, 1907
Erie Railroad Company is to Erect a Fine New Red Brick Passenger
Station in That Lively Village This Fall.
Erie officials have given out at Wellsville that a new passenger station, 30 x 150 feet, is to be erected in that village, the work to begin within a few weeks. There will be a long covered train shed with the main entrance on Pearl Street. The present freight station will not be changed.
The material used will be red pressed brick, terra cotta tiling and the interior finish will be oak. In many ways the station will resemble the pretty structure erected by the Erie at Olean a few years ago. Wellsville is the only town in Allegany County at which the Erie fast trains stop regularly and the Erie enjoys a large business there. The people of Wellsville are delighted over the prospect of a modern station.
Researched & Submitted by Richard Palmer
(Postcard from the Richard Palmer Collection; Wellsville Depot & Arrival)
From: The Erie Railroad Employes’ Magazine, October, 1911, P. 522
(Submitted by Richard Palmer)
Wellsville’s New Station.
A new artistic and very cozy station has been erected at Wellsville, on the Allegheny Division, and, while proving how well the Erie is progressing in the general betterment, the benefit will be gained by Wellsville itself, as a result of the attractive structure, can easily be imagined. Because the town is going to the front by leaps and bounds, and even a big red flag can’t stop it.
The station is in the Roman style of architecture, proverbial for its beauty and solidity, and is 132 feet long, by 30 feet wide. The material used in its construction is dark red brick laid in cement mortar, with red joints to match and fine-axed bluestone trimmings, which furnishes a pleasing contrast.
The roof is of red terra cotta, with broad overhanging cornice and cypress gutter, for the protection of the public while using the platforms. The cornice is supported by massive brackets of ornamental design.
The treatment of the interior has been very happily conceived. The entrance from trackside is into a well lighted lobby which leads below an arch into the general waiting room, which is in the center. The latter is 36x33 and trimmed with red oak, the walls being plastered and tinted. The high ceiling is finished in panels, with moulded plaster beams, and a moulded cornice runs around the entire room. The seating capacity is for 60 persons. The room is provided with a telephone booth and the spacious ticket window is located in an archway with ample shelf and a satchel rest below it. The women’s waiting room contains 16 seats and the smoking room 17 seats.
All modern improvements go with this station, and a spacious baggage room at the west end is one of its important features. The express room at the east end is also spacious and provided with a cozy office. Heat is obtained by a hot water system, and both interior and exterior are lighted by electricity.
The location of the station is very fine and convenient. It stands between two streets, having a 20-foot wide brick-paved driveway at the rear and a massive concrete platform, which is accessible from both streets.
The new station opened for business on Tuesday morning, Sept. 19, but on the evening previous the Wellsville Concert Band, under the direction of Professor Handry, provided a fine musical treat that drew to the scene more than 2,000 of Wellsville’s enthusiastic and appreciative citizens, and Station Agent C.B. Duggan wore the non-erasive smile.
On that occasion the Erie was represented by Superinendent T. Mackrell of the Allegheny Division; Trainmaster T.D. Duggan; A.C. Hilton, general agent, Passenger Dept.; Traveling Agent Frank Priest, Buffalo; and Division Freight Agent J.C. Moffatt, Bradford, Pa.=
Above rendering is used with permission of the artist, Tom O'Grady of Wellsville, NY, and depicts the way it used to look. Our thanks to Mr. O'Grady for allowing us to show his rendering of this beautiful structure. The building is listed on the National Registry of Historical Buildings.