Miscl. Newspaper clips regarding Erie Railroad and Other connecting lines...
Researched, Transcribed & Submitted by Richard Palmer |
Cuba Evening Review, Thurs., Oct. 6, 1881 Last Monday John Callahan's gang of men on Section 12 of this division of the Erie road were ordered by the walking master to cease work on Section 12 and assist the gang on Section 13 at this place. These men have during the past year laid 2,600 ties besides an immense amount of work at Friendship, Belvidere and Belmont. They have accomplished much more work than during any previous season. Therefore they refused to comply with the order, and were discharged. The popular opinion seems to be in favor of the discharged men, and it is considered hardly right that they should be thrown out of employment after serving so long and well. When higher |
Allegany Republican, Angelica, N.Y., Nov. 20, 1885 About the Erie On lines of through travel, it is often difficult for passengers from way stations to secure accommodations in sleeping coaches. This difficulty has, in the past, been encountered by local patrons of the Erie Railway, who have been obliged to use the telegraph to request sleeping coach conductors to reserve berths for them, and even they were not always sure there would be room in through coaches when the train arrived. To overcome this difficulty, and to afford its patrons at local stations the opportunity to reserve in advance and secure by purchase sleeping car tickets for night travel between principal line stations and New York city, the Erie company has arranged to attach to train 2 at Hornellsville at 8:15 p.m., Bath, 8:25, Corning, 9:30, Elmira, 10:05, Waverly, 10:36, Owego, 11:11, Binghamton, 11:51 p.m., and arrives at Jersey City at 6:50 a.m. The station ticket agents at above mentioned points have been furnished with sleeping coach tickets, and certain berths have been set apart for each station, so that passengers from principal local points on the Erie Railway are now able to purchase their sleeping coach tickets in advance and thereby be sure of the accommodations desired by them. This special sleeping coach has been attached to train No. 2 which is local to the Erie road and does not wait for western connections, and for this reason is less subject to detention than train 12 which is a through train from Cincinnati and Chicago. |
Bolivar Breeze, Feb 5, 1903 Belmont’s Flying Pig A hog was eating some corn spilled on the depot platform at Belmont when a through freight came along and, frightened at the noise, the hog started to run and was thrown 60 feet. It was a valuable hog owned by Fred Brundage, says the Rushford Spectator Bolivar Breeze, Thursday, April 23, 1903 BAD WRECK ON ERIE – Eight People Killed - and Ten Injured at Red House, Early Monday Morning. The Chicago Limited, No. 4, on the Erie railroad, running 50 miles an hour, collided with a freight at Red House, at four o’clock Monday morning [April 20th, 1903]. Five cars and several freight cars took fire and burned. Eight people lost their lives and ten were seriously injured. The freight was a double header, with orders to take the siding for the limited. It was up grade. The head engine broke its coupling and ran on up the track to the signal tower to put out a flagman. The operator in the tower seeing the engine nearby concluded that the freight was safely in the siding and gave a clear track to the approaching flyer. The rear freight locomotive was pushing ad tugging at the heavy freight, trying to put it in the siding. All that remained on the main track was a part of the puffing locomotive. The passenger engine struck the freight engine a glancing blow and darted from the track down the bank into a little red school house which it set on fire. The coaches followed the engine. A gas tank exploded and set the coaches on fire. Several of the passengers were burned to death. There were two private cars on the train, one of which was seriously damaged. The occupants of the sleepers nearly all escaped serious injury. The identified dead are: Robert Hotchkin, brakeman of Meadville; R. L. McCready, mail weigher, of Mansfield, O.; Frank Barhite, salesman, Medina [O.]; Mrs. Sarah Moore, her daughter, Mrs. Nellie L. Wilson, and granddaughter, Dora Lynch, of Mannington, W. Va., who accompanied Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Moore. The last three were en route to Shingle House to visit Mrs. John Krusen, who is a daughter of Mrs. Moore and a granddaughter of Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Wilson was about 80 years of age. Two unidentified bodies lie at the morgue at Salamanca. ------------------------------------------------------------ Bolivar Breeze, Thursday, March 31, 1904 CUT OFF CUBA SUMMIT Erie Surveyors Again Trying to Eliminate the 50-Foot Grade. Assistant Erie Engineer S. C. Brown of New York and several surveyors reached Cuba on Tuesday, says the Cuba Patriot. They began work at once revising the preliminary line which was run last summer via Black Creek and Belfast to Belvidere, in an effort to eliminate the 40 to 50 foot grade on the Cuba Summit, between this place [Cuba] and Friendship. A little later Mr. Brown will add seven more men to his corps which will then comprise fourteen surveyors. They will spend two or three months in this section, making a thorough and detailed survey. The line run last summer, via Black Creek and Rockville, and thence to the Genesee river valley, a mile and a half or so south of Belfast village; and then to Belvidere, was about three miles longer than the present route over the summit. Its maximum grade, however, was only 10 to 16 feet to the mile, as against 40 to 50 feet on the present summit. It is calculated that this reduction in grade, despite the increase in mileage, will greatly lessen the expense of freight traffic. The practical problem in modern railroading is to reduce grades so train loads ay be as heavy as possible. The Cuba Summit grade is an expensive haul. It delays traffic and necessitates the extra use of pusher engines. If the proposed line is constructed the present road over the summit will be maintained just as at present, but much of the freight will be sent around by the new route. Passenger trains take the summit easily and they will probably all be kept on that route via Friendship. A second plan, modifying the Cuba-Belvidere route is to extend the Cuba-Black Creek survey from the point where it first reaches the Genesee river, south of Belfast village, to Portage where it may connect with the Buffalo division and allow it to escape the Tip-top summit at Alfred as well as the Cuba summit. If the latter were adopted it would give the Erie a division direct from Cuba to Buffalo. But it might result in abandonment of the much-talked-of double tracking of the present division of the Erie through here. When Assistant Engineer Brown and his surveyors finish revising the Cuba-Black Creek-Belvidere line they will take up the Portage extension proposition and make a through survey of that. |
Erie Railroad Magazine March, 1905 P. 22 It is rumored that the Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern Railroad is contemplating construction of mile of track at Wayland to form connections with the Erie. The Pittsburg & Northern comes into Wayland at the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western station from Hornellsville. This junction is about a mile and a half from the Erie road. It is now proposed to construct a switch, and run through trains from Hornellsville to Rochester, using the Erie tracks from Wayland. ------------------------------------------------------------ Bolivar Breeze, Aug 10, 1905 OVER THE OLD RELIABLE J. B. Bradley Hose Company Will Go to Glen’s Falls Over the Erie and D&H Leaving Bolivar Monday Evening J. B. Bradley Hose Company No. 1 will leave Bolivar next Monday [August 14th, 1905] evening at seven o’clock for Olean where they will board a special car on the Erie, attached to flyer No. 6, at 8:45 [PM] for Glen’s Falls to attend the New York State Firemen’s Annual Convention. The party will arrive in Glens Falls on Tuesday [August 15th, 1905] morning at 8:55. They will leave Glen’s Falls at 7:05 Saturday [August 19th, 1905] morning and have a daylight ride home reaching Olean at 8:00 PM and Bolivar at 9:40 PM. Several weeks ago it was decided to over the Pennsylvania but after hearing from the Erie, the proposition made by the latter road pleased members better and they accepted it. The Erie route is 100 miles shorter. G. J. Hewitt, traveling passenger agent, and A. W. Georgia, ticket agent at Olean, were in town Tuesday [August 8th, 1905] evening explaining the offer of the Erie to the hose company. About 25 members will make the pilgrimage. [Compiler’s note: While the article is silent as to how the hose company would travel from Bolivar to the Erie station in Olean and vice versa it is probable that they traveled on an Olean Street Railway (OStRy) car. The OStRy had a line in Olean direct to the Erie station. The Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern also had passenger train service between Bolivar and Olean but did not share a union station with the Erie in Olean.] |