Brill gas-electric used on the Rochester branch, shown at Pennsy station on West Main Street in Rochester, June 20, 1936. Woodbury Collection, Rochester Chapter, NRHS. Submitted by Richard Palmer.
Right of way of the Pennsy's Rochester branch near Nunda, now a part of the Genesee Valley Greenway. (2009) Submitted by Richard Palmer.
"PRR tracks..... was taken about the time the track was torn up. (Glen Iris in the background)" Photo
owned & submitted by Jim Gelser.
"Martha Vail on the Semaphore Signal Tower. You can see the controls from the telegraph shack up the tracks to the signal tower. I expect that there were levers near or inside the telegraph shack in order to operate the signal. Photo 1.1 when enlarged, shows what could be the levers where the signal could be controlled.
The Block Operator, as they were called, would have to climb the tower to clean the lenses of the signal, trim wicks, and replenish with kerosene.
The rest of the photos give a good description of the location of Mile Post 53 between Williams Rd. and the Old Short Tract Rd. The Old Short Tract Rd. being the bridge in the background. (about 3 miles north of Portage Bridge)
Martha Vail worked at Deep Cut for several years. My father, William H. Gelser worked there from about 1919-1923." Photo owned & submitted by Jim Gelser.