By Richard Palmer
Long before the advent of the Erie Canal system and its successor, the Barge Canal, in New York State, there was an intricate system of natural waterways connecting the Hudson River and the Great Lakes which, according to local histories, was utilized by a variety of craft including rafts, batteaux and Durham boats. These early trade routes date back more than 300 years.
In 1603 the French settled Montreal and soon after established trading posts throughout the Great Lakes. During the succeeding two centuries Oswego continued to be a trading and military post. During the French and Indian and Revolutionary wars a considerable trade was carried on between this point and Schenectady, from whence merchandise, baggage, etc., were forwarded in boats for different points on Lake Ontario by way of Mohawk River, Wood Creek, Oneida Lake, and the Oneida and Oswego Rivers.
The navigation of this route was difficult and hampered by a number of portages, where freight had to be landed and transported over land. The route between Oswego and Schenectady came under the control of "The Western Inland Lock & Navigation Co." which was incorporated in 1792. This company constructed a canal from the Mohawk River near Rome, to Wood Creek which empties into Oneida Lake. They also locked Wood Creek and built locks on the Mohawk at German Flats (Little Falls). These improvements were completed in 1799 so that the water communication was made passable for the boats used in those days.
The Western freight was drawn by teams from Albany to Schenectady and considerable quantities of furs, which constituted the staple articles of down freight, were drawn in like manner from Schenectady to Albany. At about this period the forwarding business at Oswego was conducted by Archibald Fairfield who owned and ran two small vessels on the lake, and by Messrs. Sharpe and Vaughn who owned one vessel of about 50 tons burden called "The Jane of Genesee," where she was built.
Onondaga salt formed was an important item in the commercial business of Oswego, this being its only outlet to market. Large salt manufactured near Syracuse was shipped through Oswego during this period. At about this period Messrs. E and D. Alvord of Salina contracted for the delivery of 1,000 barrels per year, for several years to a company at Meadville, Pa., at three dollars a barrel.
The salt was forwarded by Oswego to Queenston and thence by teams around Niagara Falls to Chippewa, or Street's store house two miles above, and then shipped to Erie, Pa. From there it was transported by land 14 miles to Waterford where it waited the swelling of streams from the spring run off and fall rains, where it was carried by arks to Meadville and Pittsburgh. In 1803 some 16,000 bushels of salt was manufactured at the Salina works, and 10,000 bushels in 1804. Nearly all this salt went to market through Oswego. The center and western parts of New York State at that time was a region of dense wilderness without markets, roads or means of conveyance.
In April 1802 Matthew McNair came to Oswego and engaged in the forwarding business the following year. By the late 1840s he was the oldest forwarder and one of the oldest residents of Oswego, and took pleasure in recounting the community's colorful past. On commencing the storage and forwarding business in 1803, McNair bought the schooner "Jane of Genesee," her name later being changed to "Peggy."
At this time the forwarding business in Oswego received a considerable impetus from the completion of the improvements of the Western Inland Lock & Navigation Co. Considerable quantities of merchandise came through from Schenectady in boats which navigated the Lake Ontario and carried their cargoes to Kingston, Niagara and Sackets Harbor, which had just begun to be settled. Some of the Schenectady boats traded up the Bay of Quinte, where settlements were made by people (the U.S. called "Tories," who had fled from the U.S. during the Revolutionary War.
A portion of the merchandise arrived at Oswego and was shipped by British vessels owned at Kingston, and by the North Western Fur Company, (later a branch of the Hudson's Bay Company, which date owned a fleet of schooners on Lake Ontario). Kingston, York (now Toronto), Niagara and Queenston developed as flourishing Canadian settlements, while Oswego had but six or seven families; and Genesee (also called Hanford's Landing) and Lewiston only had a few log cabins.
There was a portage at Oswego Falls (now of Fulton) and most of the merchandise was landed and carried one mile. The boats were also drawn around the falls. Sometimes the Schenectady boats were run over the falls with their cargoes intact. The sail boats were of a larger class and were always unloaded at the upper landing at Fulton, and returned to Salt Point (near Liverpool), while the salt was carted around the falls and transferred to a different class of boats at the lower landing, which ran between Oswego and Oswego Falls. Matthew McNair recalled that in 1803, some 5,000 barrels of salt was shipped from Oswego to Queenston, which was then the port to which all merchandise going around Niagara Falls was shipped. After this period there was a rapid increase in the manufacture of salt at Salina and in the forwarding business at Oswego.
In 1804, a government contractor, known only as "Mr. Wilson," a built the 90-ton schooner, "Fair American." In the fall and winter of the same year, McNair built another of 50 tons, called the "Linda" and immediately after the house with which he was connected purchased a number of Canadian vessels.
Commerce was then unregulated. There were no customs regulations, and unincumbered free trade existed. No license was then required and no papers had to be certified by oath. The sharp pointed and keen scented Custom House officer had not yet appeared on the shores of the Great Lakes.
McNair built three more schooners in Oswego in 1809 and 1810. Also, the forwarding house of Bronson & Company built one, as did Porter, Barton & Company built one. These were vessels of from 80 to 100 tons burden. In 1806 Porter, Barton & Co. built a portage road round Niagara Falls (called Portage Road to this day) on the American side from Lewiston to Schlosser, thus diverting trade from the Queenston route till it was stopped by the non intercourse and embargo laws of 1808.
(1) First-hand evidence of this is early east-west trade route was found in local newspapers. The Canada Constellation, published in Niagara Falls, Ontario, reported on December 7, 1799:
"On Thursday night last a boat arrived here from Schenectady, which place she left the 22nd ult. She passed the York sticking on a rock off the Devil's Nose - no prospect of getting her off. A small deck boat lately sprang a leak twelve miles distant from Oswego; the people on board, many of whom were passengers, were taken off by a vessel passing, when she instantly sank, cargo and all lost.
"A vessel supposed to be the 'Genesee' schooner, has been two days endeavoring to come in. It is a singular misfortune, that this vessel sailed more than a month ago from Oswego, laden for this place, has been several times in fight, and driven back by heavy winds."
Further evidence of the all-water, pre-canal days is found in the Pittsburgh Statesman of Nov. 12, 1822, which illustrates how adventurous the pioneers were:
"There is now lying at the mouth of Wayne-street, in this city, a shallop rigged Keel Boat, thirty-five feet long, with several families on board, who embarked in this boat at the mouth of Wood creek, head of the Oneida Lake, state of New-York.
"The course pursued to reach Pittsburgh, was by passing down the Oneida Lake and through the Oswego river into Lake Ontario, thence up to the Niagara to within five miles of the Falls. The vessel was then carried round the Falls on wheels, and placed in the river two miles above the Falls; then pursued her course to Portland, on Lake Erie, and was again placed on wheels, and carried seven miles along a good road to the Chatauqua Lake and creek into Conewaga creek-entered the Alleghany river at Warren, Erie county, Pa. and arrived safe at Pittsburgh.
"Facts like these are worth preserving and their diffusion may be of ultimate utility. It is also a practical evidence, that a water communication between Pittsburgh and New York can be opened without difficulty."
Another early trade route was via the north-south Genesee River. Long before the Genesee Valley Canal was built, it was navigated by shallow draft vessels between Rochester and the Allegany River, or between 80 and 90 miles. At what is now the hamlet of Portageville, Durham boats and/or batteaux were carried around the formidable Genesee Falls. But the Genesee River was only one of many natural streams used. Only the most artificial improvements such as crude dams were built to create what was called "slack water navigation." There was considerable forwarding of flour by long, shallow draft Durham boats. The primitive land and water systems of the day were slow, rough going, dangerous and expensive, especially in the low water times of summer. Products shipped over this route included potash, flour, lumber and bricks.
(2) In most cases rivers and tributaries in upstate New York were only navigable during periods of high water resulting from spring run off. Other rivers besides the ancient Oneida/Oswego trade route included the Canisteo, Cohocton, Delaware, Genesee, Mohawk, Seneca, Susquehanna, Tioughnioga, and various tributaries.
There are also many references to batteaux and similar small boats (later, steamboats) being employed on the Finger Lakes. Later, there were efforts to improve the natural waterways, but with few tangible results. As the country became thickly settled, dams and fish weirs were built which destroyed the use of rivers and streams as water highways. In some cases, however, sluiceways were built to allow the passage of boats.
Water Navigation in NY State Before the Canals
- Details
- Written by: Ronald Taylor
- Parent Category: Transportation
- Category: Waterways