The following early recollection by Mr. Garthwait of the Allentown area during 1841-42 was researched, transcribed & submitted by Richard Palmer. |
Bolivar Breeze, July 13, 1911
Interesting Talk ____ C.C. Garthwait, President of State Bank Attended District School at Allentown in 1841-42 ____
"Time works many changes," said C.C. Garthwait, president of the State Bank of Bolivar, yesterday. "Only two families now live between Bolivar and Allentown who lived there 50 years ago." They are the Phillips and Howe families. The others have either died or moved away." Continuing he said: "During the winters of 1841-42 I lived with my parents in a board shanty just out of Allentown and walked a mile to the district school. In those days the teachers boarded around. This was before high schools were established in Allegany county; before the Vosburg road was cut through and before the Erie railroad was built. In Allentown proper there was only one log house. This was occupied by Myron Allen and family. There was a wagon road through the wilderness to Scio and Wellsville. At that time Scio was larger than Wellsville and the main trading point. "Lumbering was the principal industry. Some of the finest standing pine and hemlock timber that I ever saw was cut at Allentown. This was hauled to Scio, Mt. Morris or Dansville and sold at about $7 per thousand feet. In many instances the timber was had free of charge, the men going into the wilderness and cutting it down. There were two sawmills on Knight's Creek where much of the timber in that section was converted into lumber. "One of our neighbors, in clearing his farm cut down and burned some of the largest and best pine logs I ever saw. They were in the way those days. Today this timber could be sold at a high figure. But as I said before, 'Time works many changes.'"
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Early Recollection of Allentown
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