Allentown Explorer Scout Canoe Trip
About the year 1949, a group of Explorer Scouts from Allentown, NY, took a canoe trip. The Wellsville Daily Reporter gave them publicity, which this clip shows, and tells about preparations.
In a small town like Allentown, all of these young men knew each other well, but, learned during the six-day trip how to depend on each other and nourished many friendships that have lasted the rest of their lives.
The photos below have a special story. The pictures may have been taken by several of the members, but, they were then developed in a small room "darkroom" back at the Allentown Union Free School, with rumor that Don Pye ran the darkroom.
Thanks to Ward Guild, the 17 photos have survived and are now released to the public to help share some of their memories from 60 years ago.