

1890 Diary of Cornelia Scholes Evans

Ron, Attaching the highly edited excerpts from Grandma Neelie’s diary. Caution: they seem charming to me because she was MY grandmother. They could seem pretty pedestrian to other readers. Some of the other events she recorded on these dates would make for slumber, I suspect.  Again – do with it as you think best.  Gerrie

Sometimes the least obvious notes contain the most important gem when searching for ancestors.  I can't think of any greater item to publish than that of people of the & enjoy....Ron

Thank you Gerrie for sharing with us!


1890 Diary of Cornelia Scholes, age 12

submitted by her Granddaughter, Gerrie Evans Raw 

School Excerpts of two little girls in Allegany County in 1890

Neelie & Mabel Scholes, family and friends



 Monday 6:  I could not go to school this morning for it rained and was awful muddy. Grandma gave me some pieces for my quilt. She has lost her teeth. It has rained so hard that the water ran in their cellar this morning.


Tuesday 7:  This morning was very pleasant and I went to school. And at Noon I went up to the P.O. and got the mail. Then I went up to Mr. King's and got a blank book. I came back and saw that school was not called. Then I went down to Mr. Brown's and they gave me a calendar. I walked home and got home at 5 o'clock.


Wednesday 8:  It was a little colder this morning. I went to school at noon. It commenced to snow and it snowed all the P.M. Tonight Mabel came down to meet me and carried home my dinner pail. Got home at 25 minutes after 5.


Friday 10:  This morning it was very stormy. We all went down to town and Mabel went to school with me. Mamma got me a Geo. and some shoes.


Monday 13:  This morning was warm and windy. I rode to school with papa on a load of oats. I was not late.


Tuesday 14:  Today it was a little colder. The ground was frozen. I went to school. I had all of my lessons. This evening I had 6 examples to work.


Wednesday 15:  I went to school and had all my lessons. In the evening I wrote a story about the lion.


Friday 17:  This morning I went to school. I got up about 8 o'clock, combed my hair and went to school about 15 m. to nine. I had all of my lessons.


Wednesday 22:  I went to school and got home at 5 o'clock. The roads were frozen hard.


Thursday 23:  This morning there is a little snow on the ground. I walked down with papa and was not late for school. I got excused after my Geography class.


Friday 24:  This morning the snow was deep and papa carried me to school and my feet got cold.


Wednesday 29:  This morning was very pleasant. I went to school today. This was the day they were to shut the oil well. All of the scholars but 5 went to see it shut. They shut it once and there was no sign of oil. This morning I went a crossed the fairground and lost my slate pencil (they didn't shut the oil well).


Thursday 30:  Today there was a little snow on the ground, and I went to school and it was splendid walking. I went a crossed the fairground and was not late for school. Tomorrow we are to have examinations. I got papa mail at noon. It was awful walking.


Friday 31  This morning it was very pleasant. I went to school and went across the fairground. We had examinations.



Wednesday 5:  Today I went to school and the roads were very muddy. I got excused after my geography class. When I came home I had a fearful headache. I had all of my lessons.


Thursday 6:  I went to school and had all of my lessons and I was not late. The roads were a little muddy.


Friday 7:  This morning the roads were frozen hard. I went to school and got my examinations papers in all and I stood 67½. When I was coming home papa told me to stay to Letties till he came.


Monday 10:  I went to school. I went to the P.O. and there was no mail. I got home about five o'clock and in the evening


Tuesday 11  I went to school and was not late and the ground was frozen. Lettie missed 4 words and had to stay after school.


Wednesday 12.  I went to school and was not late. In the morning I stopped to Mr. Kirks for a writing book but he didn't have "4." At recess I went down to Mr. Browns.


Friday 14.  This morning I went to school and had all of my lessons but it rained awful so papa had to carry me. I walked home and it took me 1 hour.


Wednesday 26.  Today I went to school and had my lessons. The C Arithmetic had their examinations and we have to have ours tomorrow.


Thursday 27. We had examinations in Aritmetic and Geography.


Friday 28. This morning it rained and the roads were awful muddy. They were up to the hub. Papa took me to school and I walked home.



Monday 3. Today it was pleasant. I went to school. I stopped to Rubies to see if she was going to school. She didn't have her books and so she did not go.


Thursday 6.  This morning when we got up the thermometer was down to zero. It is the coldest it has been this winter. I went to school and Mamma told me to wear her shawl and I was warm enough.


Friday 7.  Today it is to zero. I went to school and wore mama's shawl. After school called I was so cold that Miss Thompson sent Lettie, Delia and I to her house and we went over.


Wednesday 12. This morning I went to school. The roads were awful muddy and I came pretty near staying to Uncle John's but I had a chance to ride home. Papa had ten teeth out today.


Friday 14. Today I went to school and in my Arithmetic class Miss Thompson told Allie and I we would have to speak the last day.


Monday 17.  This morning I went to school and rode with papa and Ruby went to and rode with us. She buttoned up her shoes in the street.


Tuesday 18. This morning I went to school. Mrs. Weir took me down below Grandma's and I rode as far as Mrs. Sandborg's and walked to school with Carrie H.

Friday 21. Today was rainy in the forenoon but in the afternoon it was very pleasant. The sun shone bright and I had to speak. The title was, "A Good Advice."


Monday 31. This morning is very pleasant. I went to school. Cora Demming is teaching me. 8 scholars today.



Tuesday 1. This morning is very pleasant. We went to school and the roads are awful muddy and we went acrossed by Bruces.


Wednesday 2. This morning is very nice but the roads are muddy. I went to school and was not late. I rather go to the village to school. Mamma went to town and got me a Grammar.


Thursday 3. This morning I brought my Grammar to school. In the morning Cora told me that she was not going to teach school.


Wednesday 9.  This morning it was pleasanter and Mabel & I went to school and we're going to have examinations Friday.


Friday 11. This morning it was very pleasant. I went to school prepared for examination. I stood in Arith 85, in Phy. 98, geo. 100. Spelling 91, and she kept my Grammar paper till Monday.


Friday 18. This morning I went to school. Our teacher said next Friday we must have our pieces. I hate to speak. Mabel will have to sing.


Monday 21. This morning I went to school. At noon Cora was teaching Mabel her piece to sing and we looked up in the woods and saw a large smoke. We went up and the fire was spreading all over the woods.


Tuesday 22. Today Mabel and I went to school. The fire had not gone out yet and at noon the boys Artie and Eddie started another fire with the coals and Cora went and put it out.


Wednesday 23. Last night Eddie stayed with Artie all night and they hung an old dead hen for a May basket. Mabel and I went to school and Artie told Mamma that he started the fire. Cora found out and told Artie, Eddy and Emory not to go off the school ground this turn.


Tuesday 29. This morning is very pleasant. I went to school. Well, tomorrow is the last of April and our school will soon be out. Mama has taken up the carpets in our bedrooms.



Thursday 1  Today is the first day of May. I expect to get a May basket tonight. I went to school and had all my lessons.


Friday 2  Well today is Arbor Day. Our school is not going to plant a tree. I went to school. When I came home Mama and Papa had gone to town. Mama saw some people to the district School [sic] so I guess they kept Arbor [sic].


Wednesday 7  This morning I went to school. Cora said we would have examinations. How I hate them. Mary and Neva went after water.


Wednesday 14  This morning I went to school. The teacher is talking of having a picnic the last day of school.

Friday 16  Uncle Robert's horse had a little colt last night so Artie did not go to school in the AM. In the PM we cleaned the schoolhouse.


Tuesday 20  I did not go to school this forenoon for it rained too hard. I went in the afternoon. There was only 2 scholars when I got there.


Friday 23  This morning I went to school and I got excused at recess. Mamma wanted me to try on my dress.


Monday 26  This morning I went to school and Mabel went to town to get her dress fitted.


Thursday 29  I am glad tomorrow is Memorial day so I won't have to go to school. The teacher had the spelling class spell down. The first one went down was Neva S. The word was skunk; Artie went on the word, papoose; Mary went on the word Niagara; Neelie went on the word Merrimac; and Julie spelt the ___________.


Friday 30  How glad I am to think to I don't have to go to school today but I rather go to school than to drop potatoes.



Wednesday 4   I went to school and I intend to go every day so I can get the prize.


Friday 6  Well, next Friday we are to have examination. I went to school today.


Monday 9  Mabel went to school and I went too. We had all of our lessons. I will be glad when the teacher comes down. Mabel has got the chicken pox.


Tuesday 10  I went to school but Mable did not. The teacher said we would have to get our pieces so we could practice on her.


Wednesday 11  I went to school of course. (I probably will come down with the chicken pox by next week. I'm afraid I cannot go to school then).


Friday 13 I went bare foot to school today but brought my shoes for I was afraid that Mr. Dixon would come.


Wednesday 25  This morning I went to school.  I had all of my lessons. We have to practice for the last day.


Friday 27  Well, we have but 10 more days to go to school.



Tuesday 1.  I went to school this forenoon and got excused at recess, We went in a swimming. It is lots of fun.


Wednesday 2  There is no school this afternoon for there is Mrs. Engle’s funeral. The teacher wants to go. I am going to Bruce baby's funeral. I went to school this AM and downtown this after noon.


Monday 7  I went to school today and also Mabel. We will have to go every day this week on account of last week. I hope I will get the prize.


Tuesday 8  Mabel, Artie and I went to school. We wanted the teacher to teach school in the woods yesterday but Mary was afraid of catching cold so we wanted her today, but the wind blew too hard.


Wednesday 9 We are going to have tests tomorrow. I am going to be in  _______ with ___________.


Thursday 10  Mabel did not come today but I did. I stood pretty well in all of my study's.


Friday 11  I wore my muzzlin today. Mable wore her white dress. Today is the last day of school.


Saturday 12  I went to school this afternoon and I got a nice prize. It was a book.



Saturday 2. I will soon be going to school. I would like to know who will be our teacher.


Wednesday 6.  This morning early Eli Johnson came down and asked Mamma who she wanted for a teacher. She said Cora Demming.


Wednesday 20.  We heard school began today and we heard it commensed next Monday, so I am going Monday.


Thursday 21  I guess I won't go to school this week. Mamma said I could get a higher seat.


Monday 25  Well, we went to school today. The teacher seems so funny beside Cora. She has us sing in the morning.


Tuesday 26  Well, we went today to school. I don't like her as well as Cora. I didn't get a seat. I sat in her chair yesterday and today I sat in it.


Wednesday 27  I went to school today. On our spelling she had me begin in the front part and in Arithmetic she was going to have me begin in Addition, but I didn't.


Thursday 28  Went to school today. The weather is cold and wet. We have 3 new scholars this term. They are Grace Jarmon, ------- and also Myron Low.


Friday 29  Went to school today. The teacher has borrowed my Arithmetic every night this week. Amy Jennings is our teacher.



Monday 1  I went to school today. Artie and M. Lowe got mad at each other and they would throw stones.


Wednesday 3  I didn't go to school today for Mamma is sick and it rained.


Friday 5  Well, this is the third week of school.


Thursday 11  I thought their was no school so I went after my books and got their the 3 scholars were there and she taught in PM.  Will Smith came and Mary and I through some water at him.


Thursday 18  Well, I don't have to go to school today nor tomorrow for it is Institute Week.



Wednesday 1.  I went to school today.  The teacher was very cross but I had my lessons.


Thursday 2.  I went to school today and got dismissed at recess.


Monday 6.  I went to school today. I had all of my lessons. We are going to have examination.


Thursday 9  Mabel, Hattie and I went to school and the teacher got mad.


Friday 10  We spoke our pieces today. The teacher had ---------speak all she knew, and Mary spoke Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water, and so forth.


Thursday 16  Papa went to town with some apples, and mamma went to school and got us excused at noon to pick hickory nuts.


Friday 17  We went to school today and got excused at noon to pick hickory nuts. Papa shook the tree and we picked them up.


Tuesday 21  I went to school today. The teacher gave me a ruffle of lace and it is real pretty.


Wednesday 22  We went to school but the teacher wasn't there and Johnnie Ross came and brought a paper and said she was sick.


Friday 24  There's no school this week. I am glad.


Monday 27  We did not go to school today for we did not know whether the teacher was there or not. It snowed hard today.


Friday 31  We went to school today and at noon they played Spy The Spool. It snowed awful hard when we were coming home.



Monday 3  Mabel and I went to school. Mary brought the kitten and Mabel got excused and brought him home.


Monday 10  I went to school today. Mary got mad at the teacher and the teacher slapped her.


Wednesday 12 I went to school today. The boys got some mice and brought them to the schoolhouse.


Wednesday 19  Mabel & I went to school today but Artie did not. We got excused at noon. The teacher wrote a line to Eli to talk to Artie. She said Artie called her names and would not mind her.


Sept. 25, 1893: Bought algebra.  Paid for it Tuesday at noon - $1.40.


May 15, 1894: Paid Robert Slocum .90 for Mabel's Arithmetic and Reader.