Bolivar Breeze, March 3, 1910
It is Owned by F.C. Krug of Cuba and Used by Frank Petit, a Former Bolivar Resident
Observing people may have Noticed that Frank Pettit has of late been occasionally seen driving a queer looking cutter about the streets, one quite unlike the familiar swell box or Portland so often seen, says John S. Minard in the Cuba Patriot. The cutter in question is the property of F.C. Krug, our enterprising cigar manufacturer, corner of Main and Genesee street, who says its antiquity is well established and dates back to 1796, which makes it 114 years old. It was at first the property of a man who became one of the two first U.S. Senators from Ohio and he can trace the title down to himself without a break.
It is quite different from the old Bunker Hill musket which had a new stock, a new barrel and a new lock he ram rod and vent being all that survived the wreck of time and did service under Warren.
It is really a fine piece of workmanship. A slight repair had of necessity to be made on the front part and it has been repainted, but the whole outfit is in a good state of preservation and should easily span the present century. Mr. Krug says he has been offered $100 for the old relic but is holding it for $1 per year of its age.
A string of bells goes with the cutter and they deserve special mention as they are well preserved, are quite large and give out the rich old tones so well remembered by some of our very oldest people.
The writer has been promised a ride in the venerable old cutter and after the famous string of bells. It will doubtless be greatly enjoyed.