The information below is credited to "The Bolivar Breeze" "A Community Newspaper, Published in the Heart of the Allegany Oil Field" 1891-1941 Special Anniversary Edition; August 28, 1941 |
In 1941. . .
If you like what you see here--tell a friend about our website; You might also consider a membership in BRAG (Bolivar, Richburg, Allentown & Genesee Historical Preservation Society). BRAG has all Allegany County census records, the Indian Census records, and the Bolivar Breeze Newspaper (1895-1965) on micro-fiche, over 100 family genealogies, yearbooks, 40,000 name database on computer, 8 filing cabinets full of family group sheets, over 5,000 obituaries and military records on index cards, most of the local cemetery records, births, deaths and marriages. It's located in the lower floor of the Bolivar,NY Public Library |