
The Suffrage Convention

Bolivar Breeze, May 31, 1917

Will be held at Cuba June 8, with good speakers on the program….

One of the most interesting features in connection with the suffrage convention to be held at Cuba, Friday, on June 8, will be a “government service” luncheon, at which members of most of the leading women’s organizations will discuss women and war service work, and what their particular organizations plan to do.

Among the organizations to be represented will be: The Red Cross, the Grange, the W.C.T.U., the D.A.R., the Federation of Women’s clubs and others.

The woman suffrage party was one of the first women’s organizations in the state to offer their services to the governor when war seemed imminent. They have been marshalling recruits for the military census in many counties, and in Nassau and Westchester counties, the entire census has been turned over to them to take. According to local leaders, the object of this luncheon is to give the public a better idea of the resources of women’s organizations for national service, and they hope also that it may be a step toward a closer co-operation between all women’s organizations in the national crisis. Mrs. James Lees Laidlaw of New York and Mrs. Frank J. Tone of Niagara Falls will be guests of honor at the luncheon and will speak briefly. They will be the principal speakers at the convention.

Transcribed by Joanne LaForge, volunteer