From the Friendship Chronicle, May 5, 1880.
Transcribed by Yvonne E. Smith.
Wiry Whisperings.
The already near and dear domestic and commercial relations between the homes and the places of business of several of our mercantile men have been rendered still more prompt and intimate by the means of one of the latest triumphs of science. We allude to the telephone. When anything of practical utility is brought into public notice either from the studios of art or the workshops of science the business men of Friendship are prompt to avail themselves of its advantages. The availability of the telephone having been made manifest it was immediately pressed into service. The first of these interesting and valuable instruments was put up by John Horner between his residence on Main St. and the Erie depot. It extends a distance of 2000 feet and is the longest line in town. The next line put up was that of Fred Oliver between the store of Wingate & Oliver next door to the American House and Fred’s residence on Depot Street. It has been in successful operation for some time. On Monday several new lines were put up. They were respectively:--Between Flint and Dayton’s store on Main Street and the house on Mill Street; between the store of Oliver & Sawyer and the house of H.S. Oliver north of the Erie depot; between the 1st National Bank and the residence of Col. A.J. Wellman and between the sanctum of the editor of the CHRONICLE and his residence on east Main Street. W.H. Scott has one between his grocery store and house on Depot St.
All these lines are provided with telephones supplied by J.R. Holcomb & Co., Mallett Creek, Ohio. They work on the acoustic principle and are exceedingly satisfactory.
Several new lines will be put up forthwith, including one between the store of M.L. Engle and his residence at the junction of Water and Main Street, another between the Post Office and the residence of Post Master Howard on New Street and still another between the new lock up (when it is built) and the office of the Chief of Police (when that official is appointed). The telephone progress of Friendship is exceedingly gratifying.