
RAWSON SCHOOL (8 Elementary Grades)

Town of New Hudson, Allegany County, NY


The above photo was received from Leigh & Virginia Miller of Huntington Beach, California, along with a picture of the Baptist Church that was across the road from the school.  Leigh knew the "blond-haired" lad (second from left, front) when the young man was in his early twenties.  Names of the pupils are unknown.  Picture c.1918-20

If you can furnish information on the school history or the students attending, please email: RON TAYLOR

Update 4/7/2006: Upon returning from ringing the Bicentennial Bell in celebration of the 200th Birthday today of Allegany County I was pleased to have an email from Stan Luce from Rushford who has sent the list below identifying nearly all of the students in the Rawson School Picture from one he has also.  Below is the list.

Front row (left to right) 1.Harland Milgate, 2.Byron Dolph, 3.Elizebth Bissell, 4.Velma Deyoe'. 5.Katherine Milgate,

6.Donald Pettit, 7. Myrtle Elwood, 8. Katherine Metcalf.


  Second row 1. Lyle Spencer, 2. Beatrice Metcalf. 3. Lloyd Thompson (head shows just behind Byron Dolph). 4. Edna Deyoe',  5. Athalene Pettit,  6. ?., 7. Leona Deyoe', 8. Kate Damon, 9. Irene Elwood, 10. Ray Thompson, 11. Fred Strait. 


     Top of picture states: Rawson School before ww 1 Teacher unknown.

Many thanks to Stan for sharing this with us.

The 1869 Atlas shows a school and church at the location, therefore, establishing the fact that a school was at this location by this date.  At present, it is unknown what date or if this building was actually on the site that early.  All help with the history will be appreciated to place in this space.


Viewer Comments about this page:

"The school house was converted to a cow barn after centrlaization in about 1935. Was owned by Otis Smith after many years of farming there; He sold it to the Joe Strezelec farms about 3 years ago.-Stanley Luce"