
Researched and Submitted by Richard Palmer

Cuba Patriot, Friday, Dec. 21, 1883 

Rushford Ablaze!

A Destructive Fire Thursday Morning

     At 5 o’clock yesterday morning fire broke out in the second story of the block occupied by Pratt & Calburn and Frank E. White on the south side of Main street, Rushford. It probably originated in the dress-making rooms of Misses Butts and Weir, though it might have started in the adjoining dental rooms of Dr. Peters.

     It destroyed the block, with that to the west occupied by the Post office, Woodworth & Lanning’s law office and Mrs. Woodworth’s millinery store. In the opposite direction it burned Merrill’s hardware store, the office of the Spectator, McDonald’s blacksmith shop, and Green’s billiard room.

     The village has no fire department, and if the wind had been at all boisterous further destruction would have ensued. This is the third time this same territory has been burned over, the last about seven years ago.

     The total loss is put at $50,000 with about half of that insurance. Goods were saved from most of the places. The Spectator forms were on the press and were saved, together with the edition of paper, and a few other articles. Editor Smith had insurance of $600.