
Rushford Historical Society, Inc., Rushford, NY
Dorothy E. Capmbell, President; EMAIL: 

The Rushford Historical Society has meetings the first Friday of every month in the Rushford Town Hall Meeting Room, At 7:30 PM.  All meetings are open to the public and membership is not necessary but encouraged @ $5.00 per year. (What a Deal!).  We generally have a short business meeting followed by a program of local interest.  This in turn is followed by refreshments and a social time.



Ye Olde Blacksmith Shop, c. 1910


Photo furnished by Rushford Historical Society

           "Further discussion was held on a proposal from Allegany Engineers to repair and stabilize the Blacksmith Shop. The Price was $27,000.00.  This price is beyond what the Historical Society can do.  At this point Bob Hewitt said he has looked at the building and feels he can work on the building for considerably less.  He proposes putting the building back to its original dimensions, rebuilding the walls and placing them on the concrete pad.  Shorten the building to 28 feet.  This would move the structure away from the creek, preventing further problems.  Also the roof would be taken back to original dimensions.  The building will need to be emptied and an okay from the Building Inspector.  All salable scrap will be sold immediately.  Leonard and Lois Bruce offered their barn for storing items during construction.  Lumber donations from Milt Hubbard and Leonard Bruce were offered.  Clean up on the Shop will begin immediately with a work day after the meeting Saturday, January 13th." 



January 5, 2007

The regular meeting of The Rushford Historical Society, Inc. was called to order by President John Jessop at 7:00 PM, January 5, 2007 at the Rushford Town Hall Meeting Room.  Prior to the meeting there was a potluck dinner attended by twenty people? Following the Pledge to the Flag a blessing was given by Pastor Art McElheny.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and a motion by Leonard Bruce, seconded by LuAnne Bump to accept the minutes as read.  Carried.

The Treasures report was given by Treasure Leonard Bruce.  ( Attached).  Accepted as presented.  Dues are due and $5.00 per year per person. 

Stanley Luce made a short presentation on the origin of the Blacksmith Shop.  Reference was made to the garage/storage building, next to the restaurant, on Main Street.  He quoted from the books – RUSHFORD AND ITS PEOPLE and THE SPIRIT OF RUSHFORD.

Committee Reports:

Museum – No activity

School – No activity.

Calendar- Lois Bruce reported that the ads for the 12 picture 2008 calendar will be done in May, 2007.  At the June, 2007 picnic the information/sales forms will be handed out and returned in 2 weeks.  The calendars 2008 will be $10.00.  This will be a piece of the 2008 Bi-Centennial celebration for Rushford.  By moving the dates forward the calendars will be printed and available for sale on Labor Day weekend, 2006.

Committee Chairperson appointments for 2007:  Museum – Ruth Metcalf; School – John Jessop; Blacksmith Shop – Stanley Luce, Dan Metcalf, Bob Hewitt, (co-chairpersons); Ice Cream Stand- Jan Jessop; Chinese Auction – Lana Heslin.  

Old Business: None.

New Business:

Discussion was held on the report by Chuck Heslin on the leaky roof on the museum.  When the current roof was installed several years ago, the installation was improper and as a result when there is a North West rain the roof leaks like a sieve.  At the Directors meeting on December 30, 2006 it was felt this needs to present to the whole membership, with discussion.  Also, the Directors felt we should install a quality metal roof.  Discussion followed and the feeling is that a new metal roof installed will be in the $7,000.00 range.  Chuck Heslin, Steve Clark and Scio Roofers will be asked to give bids on Saturday, January 13 at 9:00 AM to the Directors.  

In addition to roofing discussion was held on the much needed painting of the Museum prior to 2008.  This will cost up at least $5,000.00.  The roof will get first priority. 

Further discussion was held on a proposal from Allegany Engineers to repair and stabilize the Blacksmith Shop. The Price was $27,000.00.  This price is beyond what the Historical Society can do.  At this point Bob Hewitt said he has looked at the building and feels he can work on the building for considerably less.  He proposes putting the building back to its original dimensions, rebuilding the walls and placing them on the concrete pad.  Shorten the building to 28 feet.  This would move the structure away from the creek, preventing further problems.  Also the roof would be taken back to original dimensions.  The building will need to be emptied and an okay from the Building Inspector.  All salable scrap will be sold immediately.  Leonard and Lois Bruce offered their barn for storing items during construction.  Lumber donations from Milt Hubbard and Leonard Bruce were offered.  Clean up on the Shop will begin immediately with a work day after the meeting Saturday, January 13th. 

Discussion was held on ways to raise money for these projects.  At the present time we have about $ 5,000.00 total funds available to use.   Suggestions were:           

1.      A special Open House at the Museum.
2.      Dinner/garage sale at the Fire Hall.
Both together on the same day.  This seems very doable but will need much advertising.  It was felt that we should wait until the summers residents are back as they have always been given us much support.
3.      Special membership drive, including raising dues amount.  Also have levels of membership.  This would take a change to our constitution.
4.      A mailing sent to all Rushford residents. Season and year-around.  Bob Heslin and John Jessop will look at feasibility.  This could advertise a dinner, Open House, include an information brochure and ask for donations. 
We will need to set goals and make our needs known.   By next meeting we need dates.

            The program for February is open.  March Dan Metcalf will do our annual SUGAR IN THE SNOW.  Always a good time.  A donation was received from Tracene Samson and THE CORNOR STORE.  A thank you needs to be sent.

Motion by Betsy Hubbard and second by Leonard Bruce to adjourn at 9:20 PM.  Carried.

Respectfully submitted, Jan Jessop, Acting Secretary