
From Rushford Spectator – September 9, 1886 


Four Hearts That Beat as Two

Shortly before noon on Thursday last, guests assembled at the residence of H. K. White until a company of about seventy-five were present.  Promptly at noon the busy conversation of the company was hushed, and Mr. E. C. Gilbert and Miss Helen J. White, escorted by W. H. Benson and Miss Alice Johnson entered the room where the guests were assembled and were united in holy wedlock by Rev. A. H. Johnson.  After the bridal party had received the hearty congratulations of their friends, a sumptuous wedding dinner was served.  But this is not all.  At two o’clock in the afternoon at the residence of the bride’s parents, in the presence of only a few near relatives, Mr. W. H. Benson and Miss Alice Johnson were quietly married by Rev. A. H. Johnson, the bride’s father.

Many beautiful and useful presents were received by the brides.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. Benson took the afternoon train at Caneadea for Rochester and from there went to Buffalo and Niagara.

The above parties, with the exception of Miss Johnson, are life-long residents of Rushford and are well known to the readers.  Miss Johnson, who was a stranger to us until 2 years ago, has in her brief sojourn among us won the respect and esteem of all.  Miss White, for several years a teacher in the Academy, and more recently a teacher at Canaseraga, has been very successful in her vocation, and undoubtedly will prove as efficient in her new school.

Mr. Gilbert, our popular druggist, and Post Master Benson, one of Rushford’s successful merchants, are young men of irreproachable character, who are doing a thriving business, and we know of nothing detrimental to them except that they are democrats, but perhaps the present influence may produce a change in their political belief.

A beautiful and cosy home is awaiting Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, and Mrs. And Mrs. Benson are soon to go to housekeeping in the pleasant rooms over James & Benson’s Store; and we can see no reason why their future happiness is not assured.  The Spectator echoes the kind wish of a large circle of friends, that they may have a blissful and prosperous voyage down the stream of life.


--W. D. Woods and family of Mt Morris and Mrs. M. L. Spooner of Canaseraga, and Mr. and Mrs. Burt Smith of Fillmore attended the wedding of Mr. E. C. Gilbert and Miss H. J. White, Thursday.


--The band have been kept quite busy for the past month attending to newly wedded couples, but the boys will always be on hand when they receive such treatment as they did last evening.  Mr. and Mrs. Benson were first visited and Will responded with the best smoke to be had.  Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert were next called upon, and the boys were not allowed to depart until they had partaken of some refreshments and smoked again.  Mr. Benson also presented the band with a five dollar note, which was highly appreciated.


--‘Is post master Benson crazy?’ was the question asked on the streets Friday morning, and well might any person have thought so, who saw the antics he performed.  But nothing more was thought of his actions, when it was announced that the nicest and sweetest little girl baby had come to occupy a place in his home.  ………..Spectator, 6/8/1887


(undated, Spectator)

--“Dad” is the name E. C. Gilbert answers to most promptly and you would think by the pompous manner in which he conducts himself that he had drawn the capital prize in the Louisiana state lotter.  Mr. Gilbert has an heir, who was born Sunday morning.  The young son will ere long be able to dispense patent medicine, candy, etc. to the surprise of his proud father.