
Clark & Easton, A Wellsville Business, 1877

Transcribed by Michele Slack.
From the Office of the Allegany County Historian. 

Allegany County Democrat, June, 8, 1877. 

A Thriving Manufactory

The firm of Clark & Easton, of this village, house builders and manufacturers of sash, blinds, doors, matched lumber, house moulding, etc., are driving business this summer. Their splendid work, low prices and honorable dealing have given them a wide notoriety, and a consequent large trade extending into our neighboring counties. The employ the best of workmen, and the best of material, which, with the latest and most improved machinery, enables them to surpass other establishments in excellence of work, and places them beyond competition in their line of business. All kinds of lumber that is needed for the building of a small dwelling house to an elegant cathedral, they keep constantly on hand, ready to put into shape upon short order and with the greatest despatch. It is therefore, no wonder that they are constantly overrun with work.

On Friday, of last week, we had occasion to visit their establishment. We found the street in front of their shop completely packed with teams, and a gang of men busily engaged in loading upon the wagons, boards, flooring, siding, doors, sash, mouldings, etc. It was the busiest scene we had ever beheld in Wellsville. It looked like a miniature city about there. Upon enquiry we learned the cause of the commotion. Clark & Easton had taken the order for furnishing the wood work for the building of the new Catholic Church, at Rexville, Steuben County. Forty teams, headed by Rev. M.P. Connnery, the young and talented priest of the parish, had driven that morning from Rexville, and were then on the spot loading up, and preparing to move off. Then the cavalcade commenced moving it was the busiest sight we had seen in years and might properly be termed a business caravansary. It certainly attracted more attention from our citizens than the circus and menagerie which exhibited here last Wednesday.