
Transcibed by Crist Middaugh

Alleg. County Reporter 1/3/1884


Telephone Exchange Increase

The number of subscribers to the Wellsville Telephone Exchange has been increasing steadily, and as faithful service to patrons and competent attention continue, the list of patrons will continue to enlarge. The convenience of this service begins to be appreciated, and like the railroad, the gas and the water, our people would not know how to keep house without it.

The following is a list of the city subscribers up to date:

Appplebee, Darrow & Co., grocery.

Anderson, Otis & Co., lease.

Barnes E W, REPORTER office.

Bank of Wellsville.

Brown, J. S., grocery.

Crane, E.C., livery.

Commercial House.

Clark & Easton, planting mill.

Cole, A. N., residence.

Duke, Wm., residence.

Duke, Chas. & Co., mill.

Empire Gas Co., office.

Fassett house.

First National Bank.

Hoyt, J. & Co., dry goods.

Hill, A. R., office.

Hill, A. R., tannery.

Lewis, H.N., residence.

McEwen Bros., shops.

Nye, H. H. Dr., office.

N.Y.L.E. & W.R.R., depot.

Opp, H. K., clothing.

Rothe, R, market.

Scoville, Thurston & Brown, grocery.

Scott, Rufus, law office.

Scott, Rufus, residence.

Thornton, Jas., shop.

Taylor, O. P., residence

Taylor, O. P., lease.

Western Union Telegraph Co.