
New Furniture Store in Town

To Be Conducted by W. L. Carter and Located in the Dexter Store.

For the past four weeks W. L. Carter has been busy ransacking the various factories that turn out up-to-date furniture. He has made purchases from the leading manufacturers and tomorrow has his opening day in the Dexter Store location on North Main street.

Mr. Carter is so well known in and around Wellsville that is unnecessary to tell who he is and his good qualities as a business man. He proposes to carry in stock a full assortment of up-to-date furniture of all sorts, including beds, tables, chairs, mattresses, floor coverings and all those things that go to make a home happy and comfortable.

Tomorrow he opens his store and cordially invites the public to call and inspect his line of goods. Remember, you are just as welcome if you do not wish to purchase as though you were to place a large order with him. He wants the people to get acquainted with the store and stock, then, when you or your friends are in the market for furniture, you will know what one may expect to find at the Carter Furniture store.

Visitors at the store will see a line of goods that appeals to lovers of fine furniture, the very latest in style and workmanship, that is unexcelled in any furniture store, no matter where located. The prices will speak a story that will please the attending purchaser.

Drop in and take a look at Wellsville’s New Furniture Store.

~~transcribed by Crist Middaugh

Wellsville Daily Reporter 2/1/1922