
Twenty Six years ago this evening, a Masonic Festival was being held in the hall of the Taylor Buildings, (which) were located where John Sweeney’s restaurant now is, corner of Main and Mill Streets, opposite the Fassett house.  In the midst of the festivities the floor gave way with a crash, and 300 or 400 persons were precipitated to the floor beneath which also gave way, and the whole party landed on a level with the ground.  Luckily there was no cellar, or some one might have been killed.

Not a person was either killed or severely injured, but a good many were badly bruised and worse frightened.  The paint shop on the first floor under the hall furnished plenty of tints, especially a large quantity of glaring red, which caused many to think they were bleeding.

This brief allusion to a notable incident of Wellsville’s early history will recall the circumstance to many citizens who are still residents and who were mingled with the general mix up.

Wellsville Daily Reporter - June 24, 1884;  Clipped & Submitted by Mary Rhodes