(from the Angelica Reporter, Dec. 2, 1844. Contributed by Craig Braack.)
Teachers' Convention
The annual meeting of the Common Schoolteachers’ Association of the southern district of Allegany county, will be held at Friendship, on Monday, the 16th of December next.
The teachers of this county, and friends of Education generally, are invited to attend.
The exercises of the day will commence a 10, A. M., and continue through the evening.
Messrs. J. J. Rockafellow, and W. C. Kenyon, are invited to address the meeting on the subject of Education, and Dr. Chaffee, of Nunda, on Physiology, as connected with common schools.
The following topics, and such others as may be thought important, will be presented for discussion.
Should Physiology by introduced as a study into our common schools?
Should spelling by columns be discontinued, and the books containing them be banished from our schools?
Should corporeal punishment be prohibited by law?
Is the practice of having the teachers “board round” to be recommended?
At what age should a child commence attending school?
What is the best method of teaching reading?
Should religious instruction be given in school by a teacher?
Should the testament be used in school as a text book?
Nov. 26, 1844. H. H. NYE, Pres’t.