Saturday, July 7, 1945
Complete Trek From Cohocton Ahead of Schedule
– Get Toughened to the Road
The Dike Scouts broke camp at Alfred yesterday morning, and at 10:30 A. M. wound up the long hill out of Alfred towards Elm Valley. The top of the hill was reached without stopping. This was proof that the boys are now hardened in.
Many friends were made in Alfred, where the Scouts were cordially welcomed and entertained. The Alfred American Legion donated the boys their days supply of milk for breakfast and lunch.
The last lap of the journey was nine miles and the boys had put six of it behind them at 1 P. M. It goes without saying that the boys are now veterans at hiking, and for the first time during the trip were ahead of schedule.
The Wagon Boss threw out the anchor and parked the Prairie Schooner at Leon Wahl’s on the Elm Valley – Alfred road. The boys gathered around and feasted on Hot Dogs prepared by the advance truck.
Mr. Wahl exhibited relics and souvenirs sent to him by his son in the Merchant Marine, among which were a captured Japanese flag a Philippine coolies hat, grass skirt, and wooden sandals.
While resting after lunch, the boys printed their names on their patrol flags, carried by them throughout the hike. It is planned to present these flags and other signs of the trip to the future Seneca Council Camp to be hung in the Mess Hall – if and when we get one.
The trekkers stopped on the road one-half mile out of Elm Valley and paraded into the settlement and cemetery where Dike was laid to rest.
A formal flag raising was held and the trekkers proceeded to the banks of Dykes Creek on Mark Ludden’s property and set up for the Camporee which will end Sunday afternoon.
The hikers were greeted at the campsite by William green of Belmont, and DeForrest Truman of Alfred, and Fay Boyd of Andover, members of the Allegany County American Legion who donated and had on hand pop on ice ready for the Dike Scouts.
The evening Campfire was started by the Richburg Troop under Wendell Cleveland, Charlie Gray, scoutmaster of Troop 22, Wellsville, led the singing. The program was interrupted by a rustic appearing bewhiskered gentleman wearing a stove-pipe hat, swallow-tailed coat and limping on a cane. He wanted to know what was going on and who gave the scouts privilege to camp there. It was non other than Harley Beckwith of Elm Valley, better known as “Uncle Josh” who entertained the boys with a Rube Act.
William Hand of Andover was introduced as a direct descendant of Nathaniel Dike on his mother’s side. He is sixth generation.
William Green of Belmont, who brought a group of Belmont scouts was introduced and complimented the boys for dedication their campfire to the men in the service of their country. He stated that he believed that nearly every boy laid a long on the fire in memory of a member of his family in service. He concluded the remarks “when they return from the fighting front tell them the American Legion is a good organization to belong to.”
Taps was sounded and the boys turned in to gather some rest and energy for the big Dike day today.