
Many Dike Trek Scouts Win Awards At Court of Honor

Unusual 150th Anniversary Event Closes With Program and Award of Honors

            A large group of Boy Scouts from Wellsville and Allegany county today are entitled to wear new honors awarded to them at the Court of Honor held in connection with the trek from Cohocton to Elm Valley in observance of the 150th anniversary of Nathaniel Dike’s arrival in this county as the first settler.

            The awards were given during a Court of Honor held in connection with special services at Dike’s grave during which the Rev. Guy M. Ovenshire, pastor of First Methodist church, gave the principal address.

            Several contests were also held during the afternoon.  Scout honor awards included:

            Second Class Pins to Edward Keough, James McBride, Carl Ballerstein, James Goodspeed, Neil Depew, Jack Rosell, Richard Edwards, Jerald Hernecker, all of Wellsville; Earl Augie, Philip Brown, both of Cuba; James Gilmore, Jayell Jewell, Donald Jewell, all of Belfast; Neil Mott, Angelica; Wilford Burdick, Richburg.

            The Court of Honor was conducted by Felix Schneble.

            Other awards included:

            First Class Pins – Donald Grimes, Keith Simmons, James Marsh, and Edwin Tremaine, all of Troop 35, Wellsville.

            Star Scout Pin – Carl McMurtry, Troop 33, Wellsville.

            Life Scout Pins – James Arnold and Robert McEnroe, both of Troop 35, Wellsville.

            One year perfect attendance pins – James Arnold, Troop 35, Wellsville; Donald Jewell, Troop 60, Belfast; Jayell Jewell, Troop 60, Belfast.

            Awarded Troop Flag Camporee Participation Streamers – Troop 5, Wellsville; Troop 7, Town Willing; Troop 8, Cuba, N. Y.; Troop 22, Wellsville; Troop 33, Wellsville; Troop 35, Wellsville; Troop 34, Belmont; Troop 36, Angelica; Troop 38, Richburg; Troop 42, Andover; Troop 60, Belfast.

            Charlie Gray, Scoutmaster Troop 22, Wellsville, N. Y., received the “Scoutmaster’s Key.”

            The following Scouts who participated in trek and camporee received Dike Trek ribbons – Charles Tefft, James Marsh, Jack Kelsey, Eugene Howe, Paul Craven, James Arnold, Neil Depew, Lawrnce Neu, Edwin Tremaine, James McBride, Robert McEnroe, Luman Callaghan, Calvin Goetschius, Donald Gustafson, Keith Simmons, Donald Grimes, John Gavitt, James Goodspeed, and James Lounsberry, all of Troop 35, Wellsville.

            Fred Chapman, William Jackson, Carl McMurtry, Fred Ward, and Maynard Howe all of Troop 5, Wellsville.

            Phillip Brown, Phillip Utter, Christopher Webber, and Earl Augie, all of Troop 8, Cuba.

            James Gilmore, Jayell Jewell, Donald Jewell, Clarence Jewell, all of Troop 60, Belfast.

            Neil Mott, Troop 36, Angelica.

            William Holt and James Burgett of Troop 42, Andover.

            George Goetschius, Montgomery Mitchell, Richard Mason, Gene Burdick, Bruce Dunbar, Gary Dunbar, and Jack Rosell all of Troop No. 22, Wellsville.

            Robert Larson, Kenneth Etter, Brandon Chenault, Richard Cory, Richard Edwards, Carl Ballerstein,  Dor Corbin, David Simpson and Jerald HerrNeckarr all of Troop 33, Wellsville.

            The following Scouts who attended Camporee only received Camporee ribbons:

            William Simons, Allan Hanchett, Robert Hass, Robert Simons, William Lehman, David Mills, Ernest Hazzard, and Robert Merrick, all of Troop 22, Wellsville.

            Richard Burton, William Greene, Lou Burton, Charles Evingham and Robert Greene, all of Troop 34, Belmont.

            Ray Mead, Robert Avery, Edward Keough and William Grastorf, all of Troop 35, Wellsville.

            Milton Rogers, Wilford Burdick, Alfred Jones, Earl Harriger, Harry Hardman, Eddie Gibbons, Keith Snyder and Kenneth Skinner all of Troop 38, Richburg.

            Rupert Steinbiser, Howard Schultz, and David Jones, all of Troop 60, Belfast.

            The program at Dike’s grave ended with the repeating of the Scout Oath, laying a wreath on the grave and the bugling of taps.

            In the evening the scouts gathered around for another campfire.  An impressive firelighting ceremony was carried on with a scout in Indian attire praying to the four heavens for fire, during which by a prearranged chemical lighting the fire burst forth.  Each scout then laid a log on the fire in memory of a kin in the armed services.  After the fire got underway the scouts sang and had candy bars distributed to each of them.  Lieut. Wilbur Hawley, a pilot in the army air corps who has just returned from the European theater related his experiences, which was followed by Lieut. Hawley answering numerous questions put to him by the air minded scouts.  Each patrol then put on a short skit or stunt.

            Sunday morning church services were conducted on the campsite by Rev. Hayett Sangree of the Congregational church, Wellsville.  He was assisted by Howard Hendershot and his cornet in singing of hymns.  Arrangements were made to take the Catholic scouts into the village to attend their church.

            The Camporee broke up in the afternoon and one by one tents and boys disappeared leaving a tired headquarters staff of scouters who had stood by the Trek & Camporee as the last ones to pull out.  Many Scouts were overheard saying, “Gee! I would like to start out tomorrow on another 40 mile trip just like the one we went over.”

 10 Very important men