
Transcribed from the Wellsville Daily Reporter, May 10, 1911.


Annual Convention

Allegany County Political Equality Clubs Meet at Richburg.

The 17th annual convention of Allegany County Political Equality Clubs was held in the First Baptist Church of Richburg May 3d, 1911, with Mrs. H.B. Burrows, the Co. President, in the chair.

America was sung. Mrs. Alice McGibney of Nile read the 90th Psalm, and Mrs. Dela Morgan of Cuba offered prayer.

After the usual appointment of committees, the reports of the executive officers and superintendents of departments were given.

The treasurer reported $50.83 in the treasury.

The Supt. of schools suffrage reported having received reports from 22 districts in the county in which 446 women voted. Fourteen were elected to office.

Mrs. Carrie E. Howe of Whitesville reported the department of tax suffrage. The towns of Andover, Belmont, Wellsville and Friendship voted on proposition last year for raising public money at which time many women exercised their right of franchise.

Mrs. Fannie Backus of Andover gave report of the Press department. Alfred and Andover are mentioned as having done exceptionally good work along this line.

The credentials committee reported 31 delegates. In the election which followed Mrs. Fannie Backus of Andover was chosen president, Mrs. Williams of Richburg vice president, Mrs. Fries of Friendship Rec. Sec., Mrs. Early of Andover Cor. Sec., and Mrs. Sisson of Alfred Treas. Mrs. Renwick of Wellsville and Mrs. Smith of Scio were chosen as auditors. Mrs. Gena of Allentown, Mrs. Smith of Scio and Mrs. West were elected delegates to the state convention.

Dinner was served by the Monday Club.

The afternoon session opened with a report of the Richburg club, after which Mrs. A. B. Cottrell gave the most gracious address of welcome, which was responded to by Mrs. Burroughs in a few well chosen words. She spoke briefly of the wonderful advance of the suffrage cause during the past year. Twenty-two state legislatures have had the subject under consideration during this time. She mentioned to the dangers, the woman who believes it is coming still does not feel the need of exerting herself; the indifferent woman, the one who has all the wants she wants.

Mrs. Gena reported the state convention held at Niagara Falls.

Mrs. Williams Richburg conducted a club conference on the departments of press work, school suffrage and work among young people.

A very enjoyable solo was given by Mrs. Alvis Jordan Woodward, accompanied by Miss Ruth Thomas.

Miss Harriet May Mills, state president, was introduced and spoke most enthusiastically of the state work. She also answered many questions.

Mrs. Thorngate and Mrs. Woodward gave a vocal selection.

Mrs. Flint of Scio recited “Breeches and Brains.” Mr. Burroughs, chairman of the state legislative committee, spoke most interestingly on the work for our cause in the legislature the past winter.

The evening meeting was opened by music by the choir, followed by prayer by Rev. W. N. Mason.

Miss Mills gave a most logical and convincing address, which was listen to by a good sized audience.

The following resolutions were adopted by the convention:

We, the members of the Allegany County Political Equality Club in convention do reaffirm our loyalty to the cause of political equality in the following resolutions:

Whereas, Women are governed without their consent, statistical reports showing women to be one-third of the taxpayers; and

Whereas, It has been proven that three-fourths of the training of the future law makers of our country is under the supervision of the women of our country;

Whereas, It has been proven in the states and countries where women vote that their exercise of the franchise is beneficial to those states and countries, and to themselves; and

Whereas, The only means we have obtaining this franchise is through the influence and vote of our representatives in the legislature; therefore

Resolved, That we put forth every effort to secure the assistance of our legislators in the passage of any bills favoring equal suffrage.

Resolved, That we exert our influence in every possible way in the fight against the white slave and drink traffics, and that we urge mothers to be more watchful and prayerful in the training of the young entrusted to their care;

Resolved, That, as shown in the recent Triangle Building fire in New York City, the lives of laboring women are at the mercy of the greedy and indifferent property owners and employers, that we urge upon our legislators the necessity of framing better laws for the protection of such laboring women;

Resolved, That we urge the women of our country to avail themselves more fully of the rights of suffrage they already have,

Resolved, That we extend to our retiring president, Mrs. Roxana Burroughs, our sincere thanks for her years of devoted and self-sacrificing efforts in the cause of equal suffrage in this county.

Resolved, That we express the appreciation of the delegates present at this convention for the cordial welcome and delightful entertainment given by the Political Equality Club of Richburg;

Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing resolutions be transmitted to the legislators now assembled at Albany,

Mrs. Carrie E. Howe,
Mrs. Hulett,
Mrs. Alice McGibney,
E.B. FRIES, Rec. Sec.