
Transcribed from the Belmont Dispatch, December 12, 1902.


Allegany in 1851

The County Legislature– –What They Did and How

Through the courtesy of Hon. M.S. Chase of Whitesville, we have been handed a copy of the Allegany County Advocate, published in Angelica, by P. S. Norris, in 1851. The copy before us is printed on heavy, uncalendared book paper. Volume 10, Number [??] and bears the day of December 5. It was Whig in politics and has the motto, “Not the glory of Caesar, but the welfare of Rome.” Topographically he compares favorably with the more pretentious journals of today. Little attention was paid to local matters, while the advertisers evidently depended on verbosity rather than display.

The paper contains the proclamation in Congress of Pres. Millard Fillmore which the editor, while criticizing its length, compliments as a whole.

The Board of Supervisors was in session. Some of the legislation is historically of interest, especially the resolution to “erect the town of Willing,” from what were then the towns of Independence and Scio, Wellsville as a town having no place on the map. The bill provides for "the holding of the next town meeting of Independence at the house of Samuel C. Clark that of Scio at the house of J. C. Stannard, and the first town meeting of the new town of Willing at the house of Hiram York in said town.” George H Bennett, Hiram York, and Ozias Yale were appointed to preside at said town meeting.

There were efforts made to raise the salaries of county officials then as now. A resolution to increase the salaries of the judge and District Attorney was lost by a vote of 12 to 13. The officials it would seem has some pull with the members of the Board. Later of the salary of the judge was raised from $800 to $1000 on resolution of Mr. Holsey of Bolivar by a vote of 13 to 12. The success of the resolution was made possible by the absence of Mr. Lewis of Alfred. There was some discussion and much feeling over the alleged trick, but there was no appeal.

Motion to allow $2.50 per week for board of prisoners lost by vote of 16 to [3?]. Finally establish the price at $2.13 per week to include wood, [??], attendance &c., by vote of 17 to 7. The account of sheriff (J. B. Hughes) at $216.11 was audited.

Mr. Wilson presented petition from towns of Alfred and Amity for the erection of a town to be called Kossuth. Referred to committee on division of towns. Committee reported that petitioners had not complied with law and recommended [next line is illegible]

The account of Hughes and Benjamin, sheriff's deputy, for the execution of Carrigan, was passed in $100.

Treasurer was authorized to procure iron safe for use of county. Sheriff was directed to repair floor in jail at an expense not to exceed $3. The Allegany County advocate published at Angelica, and Republican Era published at Oramel, were designated to publish the session laws. The county treasurer receive fees to the amount of [$251.58]. The committee on Ways and Means recommended the raising of the following amounts:

Allegany County  1851 budget

There being no money in the treasury the treasurer was authorized to borrow $500 to pay expenses of December term of court to be paid from a court appropriations when collected.– –Alle. Co. Democrat.