
The next generation – The original Grandchildren
Of Christian and Agatha Kaiser Vossler

1.        Mary
2.        Johannes (John) and Dorothea Caroline Koehler Vossler
Paul Christian Vossler
Wilhelm (William) Adolphe Vossler
Pauline Dorothea Vossler Wesche
Johann (John) Edward Vossler
Karl Benjamin Vossler
Hilda Wilhelmina Vossler Sick
Martin Frederick Otto Vossler
Ernestine Alwina Vossler Willis
Theodore Peter Vossler
3.        Mary Vossler and  Leonard Breitwieser
Arthur Conrad Breitwieser
Agatha Margaret Magdalena Breitwieser Wesche
4.        Ursula Margratha (Celia) Vossler
5.        John Jacob (Jake) and Lena Zorn Vossler
Clarence John Christian Vossler
6.        Christian William (Chris) and Katharine Louise Neu Vossler
Mathilde Julia Vossler Keeley
Gustave Adolph Vossler
7.        Agatha Anna (Annie) Vossler and Gottlieb Reitz
8.        Martin Friedrich Otto and Ruth Ann Perry Vossler
Mary Lucretia Vossler Warren
Fredericka Louisa Vossler
Perry Lewis Vossler
Rhoda Elizabeth Vossler Varn
Gwendolyn Vossler
Robert Ebenezer Vossler
Stanley Martin Vossler

9.        Emma Rosalinda (Rose) Vossler and Peter Gallmann
Gertrude Marie Gallmann Wasserloos
Gustave Adolphe Gallmann
Agatha Ann Gallmann
Althea Henrietta Gallmann Gaus
10.      Magdalena (Lena) Vossler and August Harms
Hilda Agatha Harms Buch
Adolph August Harms
Beulah Margaret Harms
Bertha Marjorie Harms Behrens
Marian Louise Harms Kelley
11.     Gottlieb Friedrich and Agnes Lofv Vossler
Eleanor Lofv Vossler

12.     Fredericka Caroline (Ricka) Vossler and John Keim
Agatha Christeen Keim Miller

13.     Gustave Adolph (Adolph) Vossler
14.     Paulina Christina (Christeen) Vossler and George Lay
Mildred Lay
15.     Simon Theodore Vossler
16.     August Benjamin (Benny) and Martha Siedentop Vossler

Arthur Erwin Vossler
Richard Christian Vossler
Roy Eggerton Vossler
Bernard LaVerne Vossler
Merritt Russell (Mike) Vossler
Submitted by Marge Vossler (Email Link)
February 2006