
Transcribed from the Andover News, March 15, 1912.



Levi J. F. Adams, who died at his home on Dyke St., in Andover N.Y., February 26, 1912 was the son of James and Nancy Pingrey Adams, who came from Ludlow, Vt. to Andover, N.Y., when there was only one farm building in town. They settled upon a farm two miles north of town, where they remained until their death.

Levi J. F. was born November 11, 1833 at the old homestead where he remained until the health of himself and wife, made it necessary to leave the farm. He united with the Congregational church of Andover which is now known as the Presbyterian Church, at the age of 19 years, with which he has ever remained a true and the faithful member, serving as Trustee, Deacon or Elder, for over fifty years, ever working for what he believed to be the Master's will. His house was ever a house of prayer. Although suffering himself he was always thoughtful for others. He was married to Amy J. Karr, December 15, 1884. They had one child that died in infancy. His wife is living in poor health to mourn the loss of a devoted husband.

Of his father's family of eight children, only two are living, Mrs. Arvilla Raplee, and Miss Valeria N. Adams.

The funeral was held at the Presbyterian Church, Thursday, February 29, at 2:30 and he was laid at rest in Hillside Cemetery. Funeral sermon was preached by Rev. H. B. Williams.