Wellsville Daily Reporter
Friday, January 20, 1888
Page 4
Mr. Luke Crandall died at his home in Petrolia, Wednesday evening, about nine o’clock. Mr. Crandall has been confined to his room for over a year from softening of the brain, though his death occurred rather suddenly. He leaves a wife and one child beside many friends and acquaintances to mourn his loss. Deceased carried a life insurance of $2,000 in the A. O. U. W. lodge. Mention was made a day or two ago when the medical examiner of the Select Knights paid a visit to his home, and decided that he was entitled to one half of his insurance.
The funeral was held in Allentown today, Rev. A. Coit officiating. The Simmons lodge, A. O. U. W., of this city conducted the arrangements.