Owen Costello Expires at the Erie Hotel While at Dinner
Friday, April 14, 1899
Died Very Suddenly
Owen Costello, a well-known resident of Stone Dam, died very suddenly Saturday, while at the dinner table at the Erie Hotel. He has seemed to be in usual health, and was sitting at the table, when he was observed by one of the boarders to suddenly grow very white and rest his head on his hands. Thinking Costello was ill, he started to help him, but even then the man was dead. Apoplexy or heart trouble is supposed to have been the cause.
Costello was a man well-known, as he has been teaming through the oil country for many years. He formerly ran a construction train in the early days of the Erie railroad.
Funeral for Own Costello
The funeral services of the late Owen Costello were held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception this morning at 9:30 o’clock and interment at the Catholic cemetery. The remains were brought from his home at Stone Dam at 7:30 o’clock this morning.
Transcribed by Joanne LaForge, volunteer