(From the scrapbook of Eddy C. [1857-1944] & Helen White Gilbert [1855-1929]. Clippings may not be dated and newspaper may be unknown, unless noted. Most dates supplied were handwritten and initialed by the collectors.) In most cases, these clippings were from Rushford Spectator/The Spectator
Transcribed by Gina Cappello
On Wednesday morning, January 12, 1927, the entire community was shocked at news of the removal from the community by death of Mrs. Jennie Litchard Gilbert. Although not being in the best of health the past year, death was the result of grip followed by pleurisy and pneumonia. All human aid and tender care was administered but her work was done, God called her home to the fuller life beyond.
Mrs. Gilbert was born at the Litchard homestead August 15, 1876, of Revoluntionary ancestry. Her father, Almanzo Litchard, and her mother, Helen Karr, were among the earliest settlers of Rushford, having cleared the place where the homestead now is.
Mrs. Gilbert received her early education in district Number 3 School, which school was removed when the Rushford-Caneadea state road was built. Later she attended the Rushford High School.
All her life she has been a faithful member and ardent worker in the M. E. Church and Sunday School. For a number of years she was the teacher of the Sunshine class of young ladies. She will be greatly missed by the members of the Willing Workers class.
She was a charter member of Rushford Chapter Order of Eastern Star, number 545.
Her home life was extremely happy. Where there was need of help or sympathy she was ever there. It seemed as if her motto for life was found in Tennyson—It’s not what we give but what we share, for the gift without the giver is bare.
The Gilbert home as well as her father’s before it has always been noted for its genuine hospitality.
The funeral was held at the residence January 15, at two o’clock and the many in attendance from nearby and a distance although the mercury registered zero, attested to the esteem in which she was regarded in the community. Rev. C. C. Crippen of the M. E. Church, assisted by Rev. Frank Smith of the Baptist Church, officiated. Two songs, favorites of the deceased, were rendered by Robert Warren, “Sometime We’ll Understand,” and “Beautiful Robes.”
The many floral pieces from neighbors, friends and relatives were a beautiful and silent tribute of the esteem in which the deceased was held in the community.
ON September 15, 1897, Jennie Litchard was united in marriage to Daniel Wilson Gilbert. To this union two children, Helen and Loren, were born, both of whom survive. Besides her husband and children, she leaves her brother, Martin K. Litchard of Springfield, MA, her step-mother, Mrs. Ida Litchard of Eldred, PA and two grandchildren, Wilson and Reed Gilbert.
The relatives and friends that were present from away were: Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Litchard of Springfield, MA; Mrs. Jessie Rowley and Mrs. Lena Agett of Rochester; George Dunning and Mrs. Dora Dunning of Hornell; Mrs. Jessie Colburn of Hornell; Fred Litchard, Alexander Litchard and Mrs. Irene Dickerson of Wellsville; Miss Louisa Gilbert of Churchville; Clarence Sterns of Franklinville; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woods, Mrs. Earl Kilmer, Mrs. Earl Grove, Mrs. Frank VanDusen of Olean; Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest VanDusen of Wellsville; Mrs. Cora VanDusen, Hornell; Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of Buffalo and Patrick Sheehan of Elmira.
I cannot say, and I will not say
That she is dead. She is just away.
With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand
She has wandered into an unknown land—
And left us dreaming how very fair
Its needs must be, since she lingers there,
And you, oh you, who the wildest yearn
For the old-time step and the glad return,
Think of her faring on as dear
In the love of There, as the love of Here.
Think of her still as the same, I say,
She is not dead—she is just away.
*In pencil at end of obit: The Litchards came to Rushford after Civil War. Rushford settled in 1809.