Transcribed from the Andover News, August 16, 1912.
James Guinn
Old Resident Has Passed to the Land of the Leaf
James Guinn, a retired farmer, and well-known residents of Andover, diet at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Sarah Richardson, in this village last week Thursday, aged 84 years.
Mr. Guinn was born in Ireland and came to this country when 20 years old. He lived for a time at Philadelphia, then in Hartsville, coming from that township to Andover to make his home with his daughter seven years ago. Soon after the death of his wife, whose maiden name was Nancy Edwards, and to whom he was married 52 years ago. He is survived by three sons James Guinn of Hartsville, and John and George Guinn of Greenwood, and two daughters Mrs. Sarah Richardson and Mrs. Margaret Mullen of Andover.
Mr. Guinn was a member of the Andover Presbyterian Church.
Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church's Saturday morning with H. H. Williams conducting the service.