From the Andover News, May 5, 1916.
Transcribed by Karen Meisenheimer.
After an illness of about a year Mrs. A. R. Henderson died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Floyd Slocum, Thursday night, April 27th, aged 80 years.
Mrs. Henderson was born in Bennington, N. Y., in 1836. On Christmas Day in 1857, Miss Celia M. Wood was married to A. Ransom Henderson, she was twenty-one years old. They came to Andover and located, and she has always lived here, bringing up a large family. Her husband died in 1910.
Mrs. Henderson is survived by seven children, Mrs. Stephen Pollard, of Belmont; Mrs. F. P. Cole, of Alfred; Mrs. Effie Beever, of Chicago; Mrs. Floyd Slocum, of Andover; Fred R. Henderson, of Andover; and Vern and Charles Henderson, of Norwood, Ohio.
Funeral services were held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Floyd Slocum, Saturday afternoon, her pastor, Rev. Chas. Colinns, officiating.
The interment was in Hillside Cemetery.