Transcribed by Crist Middaugh
Alleg. County Reporter, July 26, 1883
A Pioneer Subscriber
Samuel A. Hunting o Friendship died June 22, 1882, aged eighty-two years. For more than forty years before his death Mr. Hunting had been a regular subscriber and reader of The Reporter. He became a subscriber at the birth of the paper, and had watched it grow and development all through these many years. The list of the honored pioneers is necessarily very short now. The sickle of Death prunes fast and close.
Mr. Hunting was born in New Hampshire in April, 180. His early life was spent in Vermont. It was in 1836 that he removed to the town of Friendship, where he resided until his death. He was a most worthy and estimable citizen, quite but earnest, a thorough farmer, a great Republican, but not a politician, and in every sense a true man. Such men are sadly missed when called away.
Month the little relics he so much prized, we remember a pair of fine buckskin gloves, which he exhibited with great relish. They were the pride of his early manhood, and counted in the social circle. They had been much worn, and yet appeared unsoiled and new. Mr. Hunting also had a pair of stockings knit for him by his mother in 1818. She spun with her own hand the raw cotton from which they were made, and afterward knit them. When he died, a year ago last month, these stockings were buried with him. The gloves, however, are kept by his daughter, Mrs. Black.
Only two children survive the deceased, both daughters. One is Mrs. Feronia Moore, wife of George Moore of Wellsville, and the other Mrs. Abigail Black, who resides at the old homestead. They mourn the loss of a father esteemed not only for his many virtues, but his few faults - a man respected for his true worth in every position he ever assumed, and whose memory will be generously cherished by neighbors, friends and acquaintances. His life work was well and wisely done, and he rests as only rest the faithful ones of earth.