Obituary for Roxie Hunt
Mrs. Roxie Hunt of Genesee, Pa., who was widely known in this section, died one day last week at her home after a ten-day illness (1938).
Mrs. Hunt, daughter of Halsey H. and Rosilla Spencer McLean, was born in 1860. She lived in Genesee for over 30 years past. She married Charles Hunt who died in 1918 and later she married Abe Bishop; five years ago she married Arthur Hunt.
Survivors are four sons, William of Hornell; George of Genesee; B.L., of Washington, D.C. and Ward of Taft, Calif.; one brother Charles McLean and one sister Mrs. W. L. McLean, both of Westfield, Pa.
Funeral services were held on Friday of last week from the Methodist Church, Hickox, Pa, of which she was a memeber, with Rev. Windsor of Wellsville officiating. Interment was in the Genesee Cemetery.