
NOTE: Many names as home owners were supplied bythe newspaper at the time of the written articles, 1913/14.  Many changes of ownerships have taken place since that time.

Both clippings from The Allegany County Reporter

Allegany County Reporter December 17, 1913

David S. Jones – Long Time Resident of Wellsville Died This Morning at 10’o’clock

David S. Jones, for years a well known resident of Wellsville, died this morning at 10 o’clock at the hospital, where he has been for treatment for about a week.  Mr. Jones has been living on Scott Avenue the past year, since he sold his Main Street residence, and had only recently packed his household goods with the intention of going to Bradford to live with his son, Edward.  He was taken ill and went to the hospital for treatment.  Death was due to old age and a general breaking down.

Funeral of David S. Jones – Funeral services for the late David S. Jones will be held from the home of Earle D. Jones, East Genesee street, Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock and at 3 o’clock from the Broad Street church.  The services will be in charge of Wellsville Lodge No. 230 F. & A.M. of which the deceased was a member.  The remains of Mr Jones will lie in state at the home of his son..

Allegany County Reporter Jan 13, 1914

David S. Jones

David Stillman Jones came to Wellsville (then Genesee township) in 1848.  Located on Brimmer Brook as a farmer, where the Wellsville Glycerine Co., now are.  Was a carpenter and joiner by trade and was associated with the late Chas. Story in the building of the residences of E. B. Hall, A. Howard (now Oak Duke’s resident), Wm F. Jones, Charles Simmons (now Mrs. Anna B. Robertson’s) and E. J. Farnum (now Harder residence on W. State St.)

When the first road bed of the Erie RR was being built he furnished some of the ties.  As a young man he was one of the pioneers of this region and spent all the rest of his eighty three years in this town.

At the death of his father Lewis Jones, he moved from the farm into the village in 1877;  and in October of that year entered the undertaking business in which he was active until 1906.

In 1894 the firm was changed to David S. Jones & Son.  During the period from 1877 to 1906, he and his son officiated at more that 4,500 funerals.

He was active in religious and fraternal circles, being one of the founders and deacons of the Broad Street Church of Christ and an active member of the Masonic Order.

The funeral was one of the largest ever held in the village.  Over 100 Masons were in the procession of mourners.  Public services were held at the Broad Street church.  The burial was with full Masonic honors, the following officers officiating: F. M. Leonard, master; Lee Fassett, senior warden; L. H. Davis, junior warden; J. M. Newman, treasurer; O. S. Wight, secretary; F. B. Boyce, senior deacon; C. H. Longshore, senior master of ceremonies; C. L. King, junior master of ceremonies; F. P. Fisk, tiler; William H. Miller, marshall; R. A. Mills, chaplain.  Brother Masons; J. S. Wright of Scio, F H. Elliott of Wellsville, A Cole, C. M. Tompkins, E. W. Coats of Wellsville and Frank Farwell of Scio acted as bearers. 

The Masonic service was held at the house at 2:30 o’clock, after which the remains were taken to the Broad Street Church where the pastor, the Rev. Charles Filson, preached.  Interment was in Woodlawn cemetery.

Mr. Jones is survived by four sons and a daughter; Eugene of Alma, Edwin of Bradford, Willard, living in the West and Earl D. and Edith of Wellsville.


Transcribed & Submitted by Mary Rhodes