
From the Andover News, April 30, 1915.
Transcribed by Gary Goodridge.



Mrs. Lucretia Wood passed away at her home on First street of this village, Tuesday, April 20, 1915.

Two weeks ago Sunday she suffered a stroke of paralysis and, although her entire body was helpless, her mind remained clear during her illness and she enjoyed everything about her, especially her flowers, music and of being very hospitable to all who visited her home.

Mrs. Wood was born in Parma, N.Y., April 10, 1838. She was the daughter of Harvey and Nancy G. Hincher, who were among early settlers of Allegany County. She was one of nine children. The remaining ones of the family are Mrs. Orange Smith, Mrs. Prentice Burdick, Mrs. Simeon Hann and A.A. Hincher of this vicinity, and E.G. Hincher of Decatur, Mich.

Mrs. Wood was married to Calvin M. Wood July 1880. His death occurred fourteen years ago. She spent her whole life in service for other people: faithfulness and kindness being her chief characteristics.

The funeral was largely attended from her late home Thursday afternoon, being conducted by Rev. H.B. Williams, pastor of the Presbyterian church assisted by Rev. F.M. Baker and the Order of the Eastern Star of which she was a member.

Interment was in the Fulmer Valley cemetery.