
Note: Garland Green, Jr., has developed a very informative website on General Alfred Gibbs, who was the leader of the First New York Dragoons. The site includes detailed information on General Alfred Gibbs, his family history, and the members of the Dragoons.



The month of July, 1862, will ever be remembered for the culmination, at Harrison’s Landing, of McClellan’s disastrous campaign on the Peninsula. A gigantic effort had been put forth, and had resulted in a signal failure.

The call for men to fill up the decimated ranks, and to create an army adequate to the task of hurling back the hitherto resistless tide of rebellion, was imperative. Whole regiments sprang into existence as if by magic. At this time the 130th New York volunteers was organized. The regiment was made up of the sturdy yeomanry of Allegany, Wyoming and Livingston counties.

At the suggestion of General McClellan Alfred Gibbs (a classmate at West Point) was made colonel and commandant by the governor of New York. He brought with him the experience of twenty years’ service in the regular army. Thomas J. Thorp and Rufus Scott, who were appointed respectively lieutenant-colonel and major, had fought side by side in the hotly contested battles of the peninsular campaign, and both had received wounds.

Companies E, F and H were wholly, and Companies A, G and I in part from Allegany County. The men in point of character and patriotism were second to none in the service. Their record of brilliant achievements and important captures, untarnished by a single disaster, tells its own simple, eloquent story. The briefest summary must suffice.

September 6th, 1862, the regiment left its rendezvous at Portage for the seat of war amidst the cheers, the tears and the “God speeds “ of a throng of friends who had gathered from all parts of the senatorial district to witness its departure. Its route was over the Northern Central Railway, through Pennsylvania. At Harrisburg it was halted, and detained two days under arms, in anticipation of an attack on that city by the rebel cavalry, then raiding on Hagerstown and Chambersburg. This force retreating, the regiment proceeded on its way. Halting a single night at Washington, D. C., it was pushed at once to the Union front, south of the James river, at Suffolk, Va., which it reached September 13th. From this time until January 29th, 1863, the men were occupied with the usual duties of the soldier in an advanced garrisoned position in the South-picket duty, throwing up entrenchments, building corduroy roads, burying the victims of swamp malaria, turning out at midnight for long roll alarm, usually without cause, but occasionally relieved by a reconnaissance to the Black water, without other result than blistered feet and swollen limbs.

But on the night of January 29th, 1863, the monotony was relieved by a genuine sensation, and the regiment received its “baptism of fire.” At midnight a large force was turned out for one of these expeditions. It consisted of 3,500 infantry, made up of Corcoran’s brigade and the 130th, with two other regiments--12 pieces of artillery--and Spear’s cavalry in advance. About 4 o’clock on the morning of the 30th, at Deserted Farm, midway between Suffolk and the Blackwater, this force encountered a rebel advance on Suffolk under General Roger A. Pryor, consisting of about 2,500 infantry, 14 pieces of artillery, and the proper ratio of cavalry. Without halting the column, the cavalry, by a single dash, drove the enemy’s pickets back upon the main body, which was stationed on the far side of an open field from one-quarter to one-half a mile in width. Into this open field on the near side our artillery at once debouched, and opened fire, with the 130th and the other two regiments of infantry supporting and immediately behind it-Corcoran’s brigade being still further in the rear. For two hours, with the forces thus disposed, the action was made an artillery duel.

The cannonade was incessant and terrific. Shot and shell went plowing through the ranks of the infantry, in rear of the artillery, with terrible effect. All who have had experience know that this is the most trying position for infantry-it is the most senseless as well. They are powerless to render any assistance, except to retake what may be lost. Colonel Gibbs, a veteran of the Mexican war, ventured to expostulate with Corcoran at the outset against this disposition and to suggest that the infantry should be posted on the flanks of the artillery, where they would escape the raking fire, and where they could repel an assault upon it, if made. For his temerity in so doing he was put under arrest by Corcoran and his sword taken from him. But the wisdom of his suggestion was soon demonstrated. Corcoran’s own brigade, unused to fire, broke in confusion and disorder, and began a precipitate retreat. He was himself obliged to leave the field and join in the effort to rally them. In this he only partially succeeded.

Meanwhile the fight in front went on without orders or direction. The confusion and disorder in the rear were unknown there. Though suffering terrible punishment, the three infantry regiments remained at their post, firm as a wall. But what were they to do ? On every hand, from artillery and infantry officers, was heard the inquiry-               “Where’s General Corcoran ?” No one knew. Despairing of a reply, and not knowing what else to do, the artillery began to withdraw from the field. Hastily the bodies of the dead were piled on to gun carriage, caisson and ammunition wagon, as they began to file down the road to the rear. This brought the infantry officers together. The day was just breaking. Everybody looked the puzzled astonishment that they felt.   “What does this mean ? What’s all this for?” ran from mouth to mouth. No one knew. Were there orders to retreat ? No one knew of any orders of any kind-and yet the last of the artillery was filing by. “This is a shame ! “ began some one. “This is a shame” echoed all. “Let’s go on without orders ! let’s charge them!” The key note had been struck. “Let’s charge them! Let’s charge them!” went up as from one throat along the whole line. Everybody knew now just what to do. Quicker than it can be told here, three regiments in line of battle moved out from the edge of the wood and charged across the open field. Who that was there can ever forget it? Who that witnessed it will not always remember the thrilling picture of brave Colonel Gibbs, under arrest as he was, sword less and homeless, seizing the colors and bearing them, like the hero that he was, in front of the regiment throughout the whole of that charge? From that hour his kingdom in the regiment was established. There had been doubts, almost murmurings, but now and henceforth every man in the regiment was willing to die for him.

The enemy broke and ran in confusion, leaving many of their dead on the field. The 130th was at once deployed as skirmishers and pushed into the woods beyond, where they soon developed two pieces of artillery and a force of the enemy covering the retreat. They were forcing them steadily back amidst a shower of grape and canister, and were shooting the gunners at their guns, when General Corcoran arrived on the field and recalled them. After two hours’ delay, in which were gathered up the remaining fragments of Corcoran’s brigade, the pursuit was resumed, but without success, only a small rear guard being overtaken.

This engagement established on a firm footing that mutual confidence between officers and men so essential to success. Thereafter each felt that they could depend in any emergency upon the other. In this engagement the regiment lost Captain Taylor, Company C, killed, and about 30 men killed and wounded. Once afterward during the winter the regiment made a reconnaissance to the Blackwater, and engaged in a brisk skirmish across the river, in which it lost two men killed and several wounded.

April 3d, 1863, Longstreet in force invested the place. The 13oth was stationed on the South Quay road, upon which he approached and upon which his main force operated. April 17th a sortie was made by the 13oth and two other regiments, for the purpose of developing the enemy’s strength. The affair was brilliant and successful beyond expectation. The enemy were driven from their rifle pits and first line of earthworks and compelled to disclose the main body of their forces. The greatest difficulty was experienced by the officers in getting the men to retreat. They were bound to have “another shot,” and officers were actually compelled to draw their pistols to force some of them to retreat to save them from capture. In this sortie Major Scott was struck in his sword arm by a ball which sent his sabre flying some feet distant. Picking it up with his other hand he went on as though nothing had happened. The loss was only 8 or to killed and wounded. May 1st the siege was abandoned and the regiment joined in the pursuit, but without marked incident. Once again the regiment visited the Blackwater, and on its return, June 18th, was ordered to the Peninsula. June 19th it accordingly embarked, and by way of Norfolk reached Yorktown and at once joined Key’s command in the second Peninsula advance upon Richmond. Nothing occurred especially creditable to anybody on that advance. No one was allowed to do any-thing. The regiment sustained its part in all the minor and insignificant engagements, and on being ordered to join the Army of the Potomac returned to Yorktown July 7th, and preceded thence by transport to Washington, and thence by rail to Frederick city, Maryland, which it reached July r3th, after the battle of Gettysburg.

July 19th, by a forced night march, the Army of the Potomac was joined at Berlin, and the Pleasant valley traversed to Warrenton, Va. At this point the regiment was transferred to cavalry, given the title of 1st New York Dragoons, and ordered into drilling camp at Manassas Junction, Va. Drill was prosecuted incessantly until, late in September, the regiment was mounted, and after a few days’ mounted drill resumed active duty.

This was at the time Meade was falling back from the Rapidan, hotly pursued by Lee. The first duty of the regiment was a reconnaissance by three companies through Thoroughfare Gap into Pleasant valley, October 12th, to as-certain the truth of the report that a large force of the enemy was advancing through it to repeat the tactics of falling on the Union rear. The reconnaissance pushed through as far as Salem, demonstrating that no force was there; at which point it was recalled and ordered to join the main army near Catlett’s Station, the officer in command to report to General Meade. He was found leaning against a stump near Catlett’s Station, weary, worn and haggard. When told by the officer, in answer to his anxious inquiries, where he had been and that he found no enemy there, he heaved a sigh of relief, and said: “You don’t know how much I am obliged to you; it’s a great relief to me.”

During the remainder of the retreat to Centreville the regiment was guarding the approaches on the left flank of the army, and between it and the enemy. After reaching Centreville it re-crossed Bull Run, on the evening of October 16th, and engaged in a skirmish on its recent camp ground. On the evening of the 17th of October it again crossed, and on the plains of Manassas, single handed, charged a rebel brigade of cavalry and drove them near to Bristoe Station, with considerable loss in killed and wounded. It was near sundown when the charge began, and night only put a stop to the pursuit. The following day the pursuit was resumed. when the destruction of the Orange and Alexandria railroad was discovered, up to the point to which the enemy had been driven the night before.

The pursuit continued without further engagement to the Rappahannock. After picketing that line for some time stationed at Morrisville and Bealton, the regiment, November 8th, moved with the cavalry column rapidly to White Sulphur Springs, crossed the Rappahannock, and pushing rapidly forward attacked the enemy in flank as they were retreating through Culpepper on the 9th. In this engagement the regiment suffered no loss, though inflicting severe punishment upon the enemy. The following day Culpepper was occupied, some captures made and the enemy followed across the Rapidan. Shortly after the regiment went into camp beyond and near Culpepper, from which point it made several important reconnaissances, engaging the enemy, in one of which it captured a signal station on the top of Slaughter Mountain, and in another of which it pushed up to within sixty rods of the rebel works at Rapidan Station, and engaged the forces in then, developing their fell strength.

November 23d the regiment, with others, moved rapidly down the river, crossed at Ely’s ford, occupied the heights beyond and raided the country to and beyond Chancellorsville, covering the operations of Meade at Mine Run. This position was held until after the withdrawal of Meade. Re-turning to Culpepper, the regiment soon after went into win-ter quarters near Mitchell’s Station, and the following winter was occupied in picketing the Rapidan, with occasional raids. In one of these, with 140 men of the regiment, to Sperryville, on the night of January 10th, 1864, two officers and six men of a Virginia regiment were captured, and a barbarous practice of shooting pickets was broken up.

May 4th, 1864, the regiment started out on the campaign of the war. Pursuing its route of the fall before by Ely’s ford to Chancellorsville, it passed thence to the left of Grant’s army, engaged in the Wilderness fight, and on the afternoon of May 7th attacked the enemy’s line on a small run beyond Todd’s Tavern, maintaining the contest until far into the night against greatly superior numbers. Twice was the line broken by the desperate efforts of the enemy. Twice was the front changed and the enemy compelled to relinquish their temporary advantage. Night found them pushed, with great loss, far back into the woods towards Spottsylvania. All night long was spent in burying the dead. In the morning, while yet the fire from belching carbines lit up the darkness, the contest was resumed. Steadily the enemy was forced back until the breastworks, lined with their infantry, were reached. Here the 5th corps relieved the cavalry, which at once prepared for new work; 104 empty saddles was the result of this engagement.

One day at Aldrich’s Tavern to replenish supplies, and the regiment, with Sheridan’s cavalry, pushed for Lee’s line of communications. The evening of May 9th, at the close of a hot, sultry, dusty day, found them at Beaver Dam Station, burning Lee’s stock of supplies, capturing several trains of cars, putting cannon balls through the locomotives and destroying the track. The next day the column pushed for Richmond. The 1st Dragoons had the resr. Stuart with his rebel cavalry was hovering on our left flank and rear. Twice during the day he charged down on the rear, and twice he was repulsed with loss. The night’s encampment was beyond Squirrel Bridge.

The next morning, with the first gray streaks of dawn, came an attack at the point where the 1st Dragoons was encamped. Leaving horses to be saddled by every fourth man, the balance seized their arms, and at them. Nothing stood the impetuosity of their charge, but the enemy yielded ground stubbornly. Here Major Scott was again wounded, in the thigh. After driving the enemy far enough to give the necessary time, the regiment hastily retreated to its horses, mounted and filed out after the main column, already on the march, just as the enemy again got in range, and opened on them, but without effect. The casualties in these affairs were always slight.

The afternoon found Stuart’s cavalry finally ahead of us, or so nearly so that they commanded the junction of the old Brock road with the road on which we were advancing, at a point near Hungary or Yellow Tavern. They must be dislodged. The line forms with the 1st Dragoons sup-ported on either side by regular regiments. Stuart’s artillery takes a commanding position. The plan is to swing to the left and envelope it. The charge begins. Steadily the left of the 1st Dragoons pushes through a wood up toward the left of the battery. Now it makes a fence at the farther side of the wood, where it reaches the gunners at their guns. Stuart, on a white horse, rides among them and cheers

them on. The bullets are too thick. He starts to retire. Just as he reaches the skirt of the timber near by, down he goes! The artillery are limbering up. Now is the time for the left to hold possession of the road and cut them off. They must be there. Run to the left and see! No regulars! Some one says they stopped a quarter of a mile back, just after entering the wood. Shame! But it can’t be helped. We must at them ourselves, boys! And so, over the fence, with the enemy in full chase before us. But it’s no use - the artillery escapes. Back over its ground and over the dying body of Stuart do we push the horde of the enemy-beyond the road-down the descent toward the distant wood-and there in the edge of that wood, before our very eyes and almost within our grasp, are their thousands of led horses. Nothing but the routed rabble between us and them. As we cross the road a company is deployed at right angles across it to warn of approach and to push back any advance down it. What’s this we hear? A shout behind that sounds above the din. Looking round, the captain guarding the road with swinging hat waves to return. Halt! A run back to where he is, and there over the very ground we have traveled, and coming from where the regulars should have been, is a rebel line coming steadily forward with ammunition boxes full. Ours are nearly all empty. Even now we are using our pistols. There’s only one thing for it. Drawing them and stubbornly facing the foe to the rear, we work our way out by a flank movement, and surrender what was so nearly and surely ours but for the regulars. We take position on the flank. Stuart’s artillery comes back. Custer masses his cavalry. A wild hurrah! A rush as of a whirl-wind, and back he comes with two pieces, while the air rings with cheers, shouts and music. The enemy withdraws, and the road to Richmond is open to us. Twenty of our boys will never take it. They have taken the one to eternity.

It was near night when the action ended. A slow, drizzling rain set in. The night was inky black, and still the troops moved on toward Richmond, groping their way in the darkness over the slippery road. Stray, rattling shots were heard now and then as pickets or outposts were en-countered, and before any one seemed to know it, Russell’s bridge across the Chickahominy had been crossed and the command was inside of the first line of the defenses of Richmond. The command turns to the left and moves down the river between the lines. As the day dawns torpedoes begin to explode under the tread of the troops, and soon the advance is engaged with the second line of defenses. An effort to re-cross the river at Meadow Bridge discloses Stuart’s cavalry on the opposite side disputing the passage. The situation is critical-the enemy in large force in front, the enemy and the river in the rear. While the attack in front is kept up a divisions is massed to force the passage at Meadow Bridge. A hot dismounted fight for the control of the bridge ends with Sheridan’s troops in possession and occupying the opposite bank. The bridge is repaired. The 1st New York Dragoons crosses in the advance and charges the enemy, who fly in every direction.

This opens the road to Mechanicsville, whither the 1st Dragoons leads and the whole command follows. It is now noon, and pickets are put out in all directions during the bivouac for dinner. This done and the advance resumed the march to the left in the direction of Cold Harbor. The brigade to which the 1st Dragoons is attached takes the lead. The regiment itself, delayed in drawing in its pickets, is pushing rapidly by the moving column to overtake the advance. The rattle of musketry opens in front. An orderly comes galloping down with orders for the 1st Dragoons to hurry up. At a gallop they go to the front. As they get abreast of the battery, standing in column on the road in front of a farm house, the balance of the brigade comes piling back upon the battery in wild confusion, closely followed by the exultant foe. Already the bullets are flying thick about the artillery. The battery seems doomed. Valor alone will save it. As the head of the 1st Dragoons gets abreast of the battery Colonel Thorp, who is in command, shouts the order, “Forward into line! Prepare to fight on foot!” At a gallop they go forward into line, each man numbered for fighting on foot leaping from his saddle as he reaches the line, and forward at a run. firing as he runs. In ten minutes the enemy is in full flight and fifty prisoners are taken-nearly all of them found behind the entrenchments thrown up by the enemy in the Peninsula campaign of 1862.

Not a man was lost. A few horses were killed, among them Major Scott’s, which was shot under him just as he entered the wood. The enemy was pushed back far enough to uncover the main body of Stuart’s cavalry moving to the right. Later on, the advance was turned in the same direction, and night found the encampment at Gaines Mills. No more was seen of Stuart’s cavalry on this raid. The following day Sheridan’s command moved to near Bottom’s Bridge, and thence in the two following days it crossed by way of White Oak Swamp, and, over the familiar and historical grounds of two years before, reached Malvern Hill, whence it received supplies from Haxall’s Landing. From Malvern Hill on May 16th the force witnessed Butler’s battle south of the James, in his effort to break fom Bermuda Hundred.

Two days for supplies, and rest for jaded horses and worse jaded men, and we are off again to rejoin the Army of the Potomac_ Without incident worthy of note on the route, we meet it on the 24th at Polecat on its race with Lee to reach Richmond. Wheeling about we take the advance again, and at daylight on the morning of the 26th, dash across the Pamunkey at Hanover Town, and during that and the next day drive the enemy some distance beyond Hawes’s Shop. On the 28th a large rebel force attempts to dislodge this advance, and attacks with such impetuosity that the fight really opens from General Gregg’s headquarters. Then ensues for hours one of the most hotly con-tested fights of the war. Flanking forces are sent to the right, in the advance of which is the 1st Dragoons. They are met with a shower of grape and canister from a battery across a deep and seemingly impassable gulf. Instantly they turn it to their advantage by dismounting, sending horses to to rear, and plunging into it, out of harm’s way. It is better than a breastwork. The guns can not be depressed to reach them, and charging up the opposite bank, the enemy all too quick takes to flight. Turning to the left and falling upon the remaining force, the enemy precipitately abandon the field and their dead. During the night the infantry occupy the position taken by the cavalry, and the following day the cavalry move to the left.

On the 3oth they again encounter the enemy at Old Church, and in a charge by Caster’s brigade and the 1st Dragoons drive them back with considerable loss on Cold Harbor, before which our forces encamp for the night.

The next day the contest is resumed for the possession of that point. During the night the enemy throws up a formidable line of earthworks, and behind these await the at-tack. The forenoon is spent in heavy skirmishing and maneuvering for advantageous positions. The enemy mean-while receive large reinforcements, as is evident by the clouds of dust rising behind their earthworks. 3n the after-noon the hour of assault comes. It is made directly in front, openly, boldly and with full notice. The route of the 1st Dragoons is over an open field, billowed with swells and troughs. From cover to cover of these troughs they charge through showers of bullets, halting at each for a fresh start. In this way they reach the last trough, within five rods of the works. Here they pause and make extra preparations for the final assault. Every carbine is charged to the full -every muscle is ready for the word. With a shout they rise the crest and rush for the works. Instantly the works are wreathed in smoke and the air is literally blue with flying lead. Within twenty feet of the rebel line they press, with ranks thinning at every step. Here Major Scott is struck. One-third of the line officers are wounded, It is more than poor human nature can bear. Involuntarily the men crowd to one or the other side to avoid the hail, that seems to them thickest where they are. It’s no use-it is everywhere. No appeals can hold them. This force can never take this line. They see it, and doggedly they fall back to their cover, and open a straggling fire from there. The general witnesses the scene. He sees the needs of the hour. The next that is heard is on the Ieft the eternal bugle advance of Custer. He gallops to Major Scott, who is on the left, and who points out what seems to him the weak spot in their line, still further to the left. Quicker than thought, “Wait five minutes, major, and you will hear from me,” and he darts across the road through a 

volley of balls. True to his word, in five minutes the charge sounds on our left, his line sweeps up with ours, and together they once more rise the crest and charge for-ward! Again that wreath in our front-again that leaden air; but this time it is of short duration. Custer has struck the weak point in their line and doubling it back sends his bullets raking down the enemy’s line. The Ere in our front slackens, and with a bound the men leap on to the works as the enemy run from them in the wildest confusion, and the day is ours. Then we know that we have routed from their breastworks Hake’s division of infantry, and on counting up we find that we have captured 300 of the men who captured the 85th N Y. at Plymouth. We mourned the heavy loss of brave comrades, about sixty of whom had fallen, but there was joy nevertheless.

The next forenoon against desperate and repeated assaults, the 1st Dragoons held the ground, nor surrendered a foot Relieved about noon by the 6th corps the regiment moved to near Bottom’s Bridge, and remained two days. Then to Old Church and then to Trevillian Station, where on the 11th and 12th of June it was again hotly engaged, and where Colonel Thorp in the thick of the fight was wounded and taken prisoner. Returning, it crossed the James with the main army, and enjoyed some rest until July 26th. On the after-noon and evening of that day, with other cavalry, the regiment crossed the Appomattox at Point of Rocks, and marching all night crossed the James in the early morning at Jones Neck; and passing round to the right of the infantry on the afternoon of the 27th, it charged a force of the enemy at Darby town, obtaining possession of the New Market road, and driving the enemy back for miles. The following day Wilcox’s rebel division attempts to dislodge the Union force and recover the position. Hawes’s Shop is repeated. The enemy gain a temporary advantage only to be repulsed in the end with terrible slaughter. A squadron of the Let Dragoons makes the charge on the first day, General Wade Hampton and staff barely escaping capture by them; and on the second day the regiment maintains the only unbroken portion of the line, repulsing repeated assaults. On the evening of the 28th the regiment re-crosses the James, and the following evening returns to its position with the army at Petersburg, passing down the line on the morning of the Both, just as the colored troops are returning from the charge after the mine explosion.

August 1st the regiment is ordered to the Shenandoah valley. Embarking on transports at City Point, two days later the men land at Giesboro Point, and thence marching, August 7th finds them at Hall Town, above Harper’s Ferry, in the valley. August 8th a reconnaissance is made to Shepardstown, returning during the night. August 9th the 1st Dragoons moves with other cavalry up the valley to aid in operations against Early. Turning to the left at Berryville on the Toth it takes part in an encounter with the enemy at White Post, charging a rebel force from behind a stone wall in most brilliant style, making important captures with but slight loss on our side. On the 11th it is sent out to reach Newtown or demonstrate the presence of Early’s forces at that point. Within half a mile from Newtown, and five miles away from the main body, it encounters both his infantry and cavalry, and for an hour and a half, unaided, maintains the fiercest and most desperate contest, never yielding an inch of ground, but, gallantly maintaining its position until the arrival of the main force, too late for operations on that day. In this engagement Major Scott was again severely wounded, and the regiment lost heavily. During the night the enemy withdrew, and the hospital records found in their abandoned camp contained a list of wounded in the previous day’s action from thirty-three different regiments. The two following days the regiment joined in the pursuit to Strasburg and returned down the valley, when the pursuit ended. Again at Smithfield and Kearns town, on the 25th, 26th and 28th of August, the regiment is hotly engaged and loses heavily-brave Lieutenant Alford being killed and many officers wounded. On the last named day it is forced, with Custer, to cross the river at Shepardstown, and passing down recross at Harper’s Ferry.

September r9th it takes a conspicuous part in the battle of Opequan, charging the enemy’s infantry after routing their cavalry, capturing twice its number of prisoners and three battle flags. Here the gallant Captain Thorpe is killed in the charge upon the enemy’s cavalry. The loss in the regiment, however, is not severe. The three following days are a continuous skirmish and picket in the pursuit. On the 22nd Early is dislodged just at nightfall, or late in the day, from Fisher’s Hill ; and the following night, in pitch darkness, the 1st Dragoons has the advance in following his retreat. Two pieces of artillery are covering it, and the night is a succession of belching guns placed in position, followed by slow, cautious approach to dislodge them. Passing through Woodstock late in the night, morning finds the tst Dragoons at Edinburg. All day the pursuit continues, and as the sun is sinking the advance encounters the enemy turned at bay at Mount Jackson.

Morning finds the enemy posted on the high bluffs, across the river and fiats beyond the town, with their cavalry occupying the open fields and hillside across the river to the left. Against this cavalry the 1st Dragoons is sent. Crossing the river by ford and gaining the open country beyond, they charge at once. The cavalry stand but for a moment, and then break and retire by various roads through broken timber. The flank of the enemy’s main force is exposed, and the assailants pushing for that, they abandon their position and continue the retreat, with our cavalry hovering close on their rear and compelling them to make frequent stands to save their trains. Beyond New Market old Roache Mane-the favorite campaign horse of Colonel Thorp and Major Scott, and the favorite of the regiment as well, is shot under Major Scott.

The following night the enemy makes good his escape. The next day pursuit continues to Harrionsburg and thence to the left toward Port Republic, and the next; September 26th’ the 1st Dragoons, again in advance, attacks the enemy between Port Republic and Brown’s Gap. Again a sharp engagement takes place. Major Scott is again severely wounded, and after considerable loss the enemy is found in a position from which he cannot be dislodged and our forces retire across the river. Then follows the laying waste of the valley on the return. October 9th, at Tom’s Brook, the 1st Dragoons takes part in turning upon Early’s cavalry and capturing their trains and artillery.

Settling down near Middletown quiet again comes, with only picket and scout duty and minor incidents until October 19th. In the battle of Cedar Creek the 1st Dragoons more than sustained its reputation. During all the demoralized portion of that day it maintained its organization in-tact, and contributed largely to stay the tide and restore the order of battle. When the final charge came it loaded itself with honors and with captures. This practically closed a six months period of constant, unremitting, active service and hardship such as fell to the lot of few regiments in the army.

In November the regiment participated in an expedition to Loudon Valley, which was by common consent styled the “Bull raid,” from the nature of the captures made.

In December it constituted a portion of the force which advanced from Winchester on Gordonsville, and just at night on the 22nd of December, at Liberty Mills, the 1st Dragoons made a gallant charge and captured two pieces of artillery and about 30 prisoners. The regiment suffered greatly from the intense cold on this raid, many of them having their feet frozen.

After a brief stay at Lovettsville, Va., on the 24th of February, 1865, the brigade was again ordered to take the field. Sheridan left Winchester with 10,000 cavalry, including the 1st New York Dragoons, and arrived at Staunton in four days, defeated and captured the remnants of Early’s forces at Waynesboro, crossed the Blue Ridge at Rock Fish Gap, turned and destroyed the Virginia Central Railroad from Frederick’s Hall to Beaver Dam, won a victory at Five Forks April 1st, and pursued his movements until April 9th, when Lee and his entire army surrendered, and the war was brought to a close.

During the services of the gallant regiment whose history has here been given, it captured 1,533 prisoners, 19 pieces of artillery, 21 caissons, 240 artillery horses, 40 army wagons and ambulances, 160 animals of draught and 4 battle flags. It lost in killed 4 officers and 155 enlisted men, and in wounded 24 officers and 204 enlisted men. One officer and 80 enlisted men died of disease.

Thomas J. Thorp, lieutenant-colonel of the regiment, graduated at Union College about the time of the outbreak of the Rebellion. Young, talented, ardent and enthusiastic, he at once engaged in the work of organizing a command for the war, and when the 85th New York took the field, he accompanied that regiment as captain of Company E. A master in drill and discipline, he brought the company to the highest state of efficiency, and was conspicuous for gallantry and courage throughout the service of that regiment in the Peninsula campaign. At Fair Oaks, May 31st, 1862, in the front of that heroic struggle, he was wounded in the leg, but, determined not to give up, his indomitable spirit carried him through the subsequent seven days fight and retreat to Harrison’s Landing, where, weak from exhaustion and worn out with constant duty, he became a victim of the prevalent malarial fever and was furloughed home-to regain his health. Here his recognized merit and fitness for the position of field officer of the 130th New York, then organizing in the Senatorial district, at once directed the attention of the Senatorial committee to him, and he was by common consent chosen for the position of lieutenant-colonel. The wisdom of that choice was abundantly demonstrated in the subsequent history of the regiment.

Rufus Scott, major of the regiment, who now resides in Belmont, first enlisted as a private in Company B of the z3d, *fusing all offers of position until he had acquired some experience in war. He remained with this regiment until September 6th, when he was sent home on leave to assist in organizing the 85th regiment, and to take a captaincy in the same, He recruited largely for Companies C, D and I of that regiment. Differences arising between him and the field officers, he declined a position in the regiment, and December 3rd, 1861, he returned to his old company and shouldered his musket again, and was in the advance on Manassas in the spring of 1862. Upon returning and learning that the 85th regiment had been ordered to the Peninsula, Private Scott procured a two days’ leave of absence to visit his friends. While on board the transport for that purpose, she loosed her moorings, and he was taken to Fortress Monroe. Unable to join his regiment, which remained idle in the mean-time, he made the Peninsula campaign as an independent corps, subsisting on his friends in the regiment. He participated in nearly every engagement of that campaign. May 24th, 1862, he was arrested as a deserter, but was immediately released after an interview with the general in command of the brigade. He was severely wounded in the leg at Fair Oaks. From the hospital he rejoined his regiment, August 10th, and August 15th was detailed on recruiting service. On reaching home, August 22nd, he was informed that he had been commissioned major of the 130th New York volunteers. He accompanied the regiment as such officer. December 24th, 1864, he was made lieutenant-colonel, and March 13th, 1865, was brevetted brigadier-general for gallant and meritorious services, having been in actions in which he was wounded five times, four times severely. January l0th, 1866, the President appointed him captain in the regular cavalry, but he declined the appointment.

The members of the 130th were almost all enrolled in the first half of August, 1862, a very few in the latter part of July and one or two in the latter part of August. The field and staff officers from Allegany county were as follows:

Lieutenant-colonel, Thomas J. Thorp, Almond, appointed August 27, 1862, wounded five times, promoted colonel March 1, 1865 ; major, Rufus Scott, Friendship, appointed August 27, 1862, promoted lieutenant-colonel March 1, 1865; quartermaster sergeant, John W. Bonnond, Angelica; hospital steward, Adelbert J. Worden, Belfast.


The men from Allegany in the company were Second Lieutenant Joseph N. Flint, appointed first lieutenant of Company G in Feb., 1865; Corporal Frank M. Smith, Friendship, and the following


Silas Armstrong, Oramel, killed June 11, 1864 ; Daniel Chandler, Oramel ; Austin M. Drock, Oramel, wounded April 17, 1863 ; Lewis Page, Oramel, promoted sergeant, wounded June 12, 1864; Matthias Rafter, Belfast, wounded April 17, 1863; Julius R. Ford, Rushford; Amos Hopkins, Centreville; Nathan E. Heald, Rushford; George H. Kim-ball, Centreville; Anson T. Lawton, Rushford; John Moores, Centreville; Velorous Swift and Dwight Scott, Rushford; Randall Taylor, Richard Vename and Wilbur S. Wight, Centreville; Warren D. Withey and Elijah Bishop, Rushford; Hector A_ Arnold, West Almond ; Richard Hall, Ward ; George W. Haynes, Scio : Henry Kelly, Oramel ; Leroy Lowe, Angelica; Dewitt Page, Belfast.



Captain, Wheeler Hakes, Wellsville, wounded once, resigned Dec. 5, 1864; first lieutenant. Samuel F. Randolph, dismissed June 15,1863; second lieutenant, George B. Yeomans, Wellsville, appointed Oct. 1863, promoted R. C. S. Jan. r, x864; second lieutenant, James G. Crittenden, Hallsport, promoted from first sergeant, wounded at Smithfield; first sergeant, Leander S. Callaghan, Wellsville, promoted second lieutenant Dec, 4, 1862, first lieutenant June 15, 1863, captain Feb. 9, 1865; second sergeant, B. C. Smith, Andover, transferred to veteran reserve corps; third, Jesse B. Hulbert. Independence, killed June 11, 1864; fourth, Leroy Green, Andover, killed May 7, 1864; fifth, William W. Tadder. Independence, promoted first lieutenant Feb. 9, 1865, from first sergeant ; first corporal, Charles Walsh, Wellsville, promoted second lieutenant Feb. 9, r86j, from commissary sergeant; second, Norman H. Wood, Wellsville, promoted sergeant; third, Loring H. Cole, Andover; fourth, Stephen S. Austin, Wellsville, killed Sept. T9, 1864; fifth, Jared L Ainsworth, Independence, promoted sergeant; sixth, James G. Crittenden, Independence, wounded once, promoted second lieutenant June 15, 1862, from first sergeant, resigned Dec. 5, 1864; seventh, Delos D. Remington, Andover, transferred to veteran reserve corps; eighth, Robert C. Ware, Andover, killed May 7, 1864.


Rufus H. Abbey, Wellsville; Andrew J. Barlow, Wellsville, wounded May 8, 1864; Frederick Bearman, Wellsville, dschd; Adelbert S. Brown, Francis M. Bassett and Alburtus Burr, Independence; Edwin A. Burr, East Rushford; Levi Baker, Andover; Charles Buzzard, Independence, transferred; William H. Clark, Wellsville, wounded May 7, 1864; Aurelius H. Cobb, Independence, promoted sergeant; Album Crandall, Independence, promoted corporal, transferred to veteran reserve corps, wounded; James T. Covell, Independence, promoted corporal Oct. 17, 1863; Carlton F. Cline, Independence, promoted sergeant; Heber Coats, Independence, killed at Suffolk; Stephen E. Clark, Independence, killed Sept. 24, 1862; Hiram O. Chapin, Independence; Albert H. Clark, Andover, wounded May 7, x864; Eldon H. Chase and William E. Callen, Andover; Orville G. Clark, Independence; George Coats, Independence, wounded at Yellow Tavern ; Levi W. Dibble, Wellsville; John Donnelly, Independence; Lewis W. Dodge and Jared G. Deming, Andover; Welcome H. Evans, Independence; Marcus L. Finch, Wellsville, Royal B. Ferguson, Wellsville, transferred; Francis M. Fish, Independence, promoted corporal; Ransom Fish, Independence, promoted corporal; Anthony B. Graves, Independence; Duane Gray, Amasa L. Gray and Henry T. Graves, Wellsville; Daniel T. Graves and Daniel W. Green, Andover; Levi D. Green and Marvin W. Green, Wellsville; Elias Horton, jr., Independence, promoted second lieutenant Aug. 16, 1862, resigned Dec. 3, 1862; Samuel Hall and Joseph V. R. Hall, Independence; Nelson Hooker, Independence, wounded June 12, 1864, and dschd; Johnson W. Houghtaling, Independence, killed Oct. 23, 1863; Raswin Hardy and John Howe, Andover; Abraham P. Jewell and Ulysses Jeffries, Wellsville; William Jeffries, Wellsville; Orson Kenyon, Independence, died Sept. IS, r86z; Jason B. Kaple, Andover, killed Sept. 19, 1864 ; William H. Lewis, Independence; Theodore Livermore, Andover; Horner D. Wells and Benjamin McElheny, Wellsville; Leroy D. McCurdy, Independence, promoted sergeant; Charles J. Mather, Independence, promoted corporal; Harmon H. Mason, Independence, transferred; George L. Morgan, Independence; Benjamin F. Meserva, Orville Proctor, Joseph Rhinehuls, Albert Rose, William T. Rider and Henry Reynolds, Wellsville; Harden Randall, Wellsville, transferred; Abijah Randall, Wellsville, transferred; Van Rensselaer Rider, Wellsville, promoted sergeant; Robert J. Rider, Wellsville, promoted sergeant; Jerome P. Remington, Independence; Oscar Remington, Andover; Lorenzo D. Straight, Wellsville; William E. Smith, Independence, promoted sergeant; John Smock, Independence; Willard Stebbins, Independence, wounded at Deep Bottom; D. Tompkins, Wellsville; S. J. Tallman, Wellsville, killed June 12, 1864; Myron Tanner, Andover; Daniel S. Wright and David Wright, jr., Wellsville; Francis M. Wood, Independence; Almanzo Wiley and George Wiley, Independence ; Aaron O. Young, In-dependence, promoted sergeant, killed June 12, 1864; Chauncey L. Alderman and Amby H. Alderman, Rushford; Erwin D. Blackman, Andover.



Second sergeant, Charles B. Alford, Oramel, promoted first lieutenant Jan. 1, 1864, killed at Smithfield, Va., Aug. 29, 1864; fourth, William M. King, Hume; fifth, Ephraim R. U. Rigdon, Oramel; sergeants-Elias B. Coats, Friend-ship, and Aaron Van Nostrand, Short Tract (died Nov. 2o, 1862); first corporal, Lewis Gleason, Oramel, died. Dec. 5, 1862; second, Isaac N. Van Nostrand, Oramel; third, Don A. Blanchard, Centreville; fourth, Charles S. Daniels, Hume; fifth, Thomas M. Foster, Oramel, promoted first sergeant, died of wounds received April 2, 1865; sixth, Clarence L. Cudebec, Oramel, promoted sergeant; seventh, Charles L. Ford, Oramel; corporals-John W. Eldridge, Friendship, killed at Trevillian; Clarence B. Hatch, Friendship, and John Hunt, Angelica.


Warren W. Atherton, Oramel, killed at Cold Harbor; John S. Blanchard, Centreville; Erwin M. Botsford, Fillmore; Oliver Barnard, Hume, killed at Cold Harbor; Martin V. Babcock, Hume, killed at Cold Harbor; Ebenezer A. Bean, Centreville, transferred to veteran reserve corps; George \V. Babcock, Hume; Joseph Butterfield, Centreville, promoted to corporal; Gilbert G. Babcock, Oramel, promoted to corporal ; Addison Caldwell, Hume, died Nov. 4, 1862; Romanzo Crawford, Centreville; U. E. Crane, Hume, transferred to veteran reserve corps; John P. Chase, Oramel, died Dec. 3, 1862; Marcello Drock, Oramel; William C. Daniels, Oramel, promoted corporal, killed at Port Republic; Darwin Ellis, Centreville, killed at Hungary; Alonzo Elmer, Hume, wounded April z, 1865; Chauncey J: Fox, Centreville, promoted corporal; John R. Fix and Charles M. Tuller, Oramel; Henry Griffith, Hume, deserter; Charles Grover and Albert D. Goodrich, Hume;

Alva Hamlin, Hume, transferred to veteran reserve corps; John B. Hoes, Oramel, promoted sergeant; George Hills, Oramel, deserter; Hiram Hall, Oramel; Charles Jennings, Oramel, died Nov. r4, 1862; Ferris E. Kendall, Centreville, died in April, 1865: John Kinney, Hume; William A. Knowlton, Oramel, promoted corporal; Robert W. King, promoted sergeant; Reuben Learn, Centreville, promoted sergeant; Franklin G. Lockwood, Oramel, transferred to veteran reserve corps ; Delos Myers and William W. Merchant, Hume; George Morse, wounded Sept. 19, 1864; Ezra Marion, Oramel, promoted sergeant; Henry P. Neilan, Hume, promoted sergeant, transferred to veteran reverse corps; Harvey Osborn, Hume; Thomas Pendergast, Hume, promoted corporal, killed at Manassas; Emerson M. Parker, Oramel, killed at Smithfield; William G. Petrie, Oramel, transferred to veteran reserve corps; Ambert F. Quinton, Oramel, wounded at Todd’s Tavern; Elijah Rhoades, Hume; George W. Race, Oramel; Charles E. Snell, Hume; Samuel Smith, Hume, promoted corporal ; John Shoots, Hume, died April 18, 1863; George Shepherd, discharged; John M. Stickle, promoted corporal, died July 4, 1864, of wounds; Judson Stickle, Centreville; Albert T. Sissem, Oramel; Nelson N. Seaton, Oramel, taken prisoner Aug. xg, 1864; Riley N. Utter, Oramel; Bryson Vaname, Centreville; Robert Valiance; Centreville, died Dec. 3, 1862 ; Edwin Wight, Hume, killed at Manassas Junction; James H. Weaver, Centreville, promoted corporal; Aaron Waters, Oramel, transferred to veteran reserve corps; Adelbert J. Warden, Oramel, transferred to noncommissioned staff; William J. Wolsey, promoted sergeant; Stephen P. Boss, Short Tract; Jacob S. Clement, Caneadea; Matchi Crawford, Belfast; Joel Clark, Short Tract; Amos H, Gager, Oramel; T. B. Herkimer, W. E. Herkimer, Erwin Herkimer, W. H. Leake and Albert R. Leake, Belfast; Charles Lewis, Oramel ; John E. McIntosh, Allen Center ; Lyman Stanton and Charles E. Stuart, Belfast ; George W. Van Kuren, Belmont ; Henry C. Windsor, Belfast ; John H. Yager, Fillmore ; George Morse, Fillmore, wounded Sept. 19, 1864 ; Stewart A, Vaughan, Short Tract; Alfred H. Waters, Belmont; Orlando T. Carmen, Belvidere ; Albert J. Dake, Oramel ; Harvey Graham, Friendship; Oliver J. Hopkins and Sanford C. Horton, Fillmore; Willard Kelly, Belfast; John Manning, Angelica; Robert McCracken, Birdsall Center; Dana Mathews, Friendship; James Roberts, Oramel; William W. Sandborn, Belfast; Squire M. Strong, Friendship; Albert Burlingame, Belfast ; Romanso Crawford, Centreville; George Denio, Oramel; Eaton Kinney, Belfast; Alvin W. Lindsley, Friendship; Frank C. Luther, Caneadea; Lucien B. Scott, Friend-ship; William H. Sibbald, Short Tract; Amos P. Vaughan, Fillmore ; Leonard Aldric, Belfast, wounded at Deserted House, transferred to veteran reserve corps; Philip O. Marvin, Oramel, transferred to veteran reserve corps; Joshua Barney, Oramel, died Nov. 19, 1865 ; John Dory, Short Tract, died Feb. 26, 1865 ; Peter Fox, Oramel, killed at Todd’s Tavern; James McCarthy, Little Genesee, killed at Trevillian ; David Ott, Caneadea Station, died July as, 1863; Barney Riley, Oramel, died Aug. 11, 1864; Anson H. Spencer, Hume, died Jan. 5, 1863; Jefferson Scott, Friend-ship, died of wounds received May 31, 1864; Charles Fi. Sortore, Belmont, died; Lyman Spenser, Allen Center, died Jan. a, 1865 ; Charles C. Steenrod, Friendship, killed at Todd’s Tavern.



First sergeant, Alonzo W. Chamberlain, Angelica, appointed second lieutenant Oct. 9, 1862, first lieutenant Aug. 12, 1863, captain in Feb, 1865; third corporal, Benjamin Shute, Angelica, transferred to veteran reserve corps; fifth, Simeon Bennett, Granger; seventh, Albert D. Vanderpoel, Angelica.


George D. Benedict, Angelica, died of wounds received at Todd’s Tavern; John W. Barnard and Barber O. Bur-dick, Angelica; C. L. Burdick, Angelica, died April 7,1864; Calvin Buckley, Angelica, wounded at Trevillian Station; Alexander Cashore, Angelica; Horace E. Dudley, Angelica, transferred to veteran reserve corps; Charles G. Davis, Angelica. wounded at Cold Harbor, Va.; James L. Fuller, Angelica, promoted sergeant; Luther Farnum, died Dec. 18, 1862; Ambrose P. Green, Angelica, promoted corpora], killed at Trevillian Station; Joseph L. Gardner, Angelica; Jacob H. Gunn, Angelica, transferred to the navy; William Hulburt, Angelica, wounded at Todd’s Tavern; Alexander Kinghorn, killed at Cold Harbor; John Lilly and Lyman S. Deming, Angelica, David B. Abbey, Angelica, wounded at Cold Harbor; Benjamin A. Ames, John N. Deming and Hartly Grummond, Angelica; Marcus Horner, Angelica, wounded at Sailors’ Creek; Aaron Lilly, Angelica, promoted corporal, wounded at Gordonsville; Ithamer S. Moore, Angelica; John A. Newville, Angelica, promoted corporal, wounded at Yellow Tavern; Van R. Newville, George A. Peavey, Leonard Palmer, Moses Ogden, Richard Ragan and Daniel B. Shaw, Angelica; Martin W. Snyder, Allen, killed at Shepardstown; George Thornton, Angelica, promoted corporal; James Thornton, Angelica, promoted sergeant; John Watts, Angelica; Daniel H. Willis, wounded at Five Forks; Arunah F. Willis and Theodore M. Walker, Angelica; Robert Y. Charles, Angelica, promoted corporal, wounded at Cold Harbor, Va.; Robert McDaniels and Charles H. Porter, Angelica; jehial Abbey, Angelica, wounded at Middletown; John H. Charles, Angelica, promoted sergeant, wounded and died at Five Forks.



First sergeant, Alien O. Abbott, Birdsall, promoted second lieutenant Sept. r, 1863, resigned May so, 1865; second, Henry G. West, Almond, promoted second lieutenant May To, 1865; third, Nathan Bradley, Oramel, taken prisoner Oct. sg, 1863; fourth, Alonzo D. Barrett, Amity; fifth, Ira C. Travis, Almond; sergeants,Vernon M. Babbitt, Scio; second corporal, Wilbur F. McGibney, West Almond, transferred to veteran reserve corps; third, Alonzo B. Woodard, Almond, wounded Jan. 30, 1863; fourth, Harrison W. Green, Alfred, promoted sergeant, taken prisoner, was in Libby and Dansville prisons; sixth, Lyman Z. Whitney, Burns; seventh, George Dean, West Almond; eighth, Harrison H. Mason, Belmont; corporal, Edmund Sortore, Belmont.


Abram Blauvelt and Charles H. Barber, Almond; Thompson Burdick, Almond, killed at Trevillian; John P. Bogardus, Birdsall, died Nov. aa, 1862; Martin V. Barber, Almond, discharged in 1865, was wounded in the battle of the Wilderness; Orastus Ball, Grove ; William B. Bower, Ward ; Robert Bennett, Oramel; James W. Barrett, Belmont; David F. Burt, Amity, transferred to veteran reserve corps; Lucius P. Crandall and Alanson B. Crandall, Almond; Rufus J. Collins, Ward; James R. Crandall, Almond, promoted sergeant; David M. Cox, Birdsall, taken prisoner May 7, 1864; James F. Cilley, Birdsall; James L. Davis, Oramel, transferred to veteran reserve corps; Orlo D. Emerson, Alfred, taken prisoner May 7, 1864; Joseph N. Forbes, Alfred; Michael Gardner, Ward, promoted corporal ; Henry P. Green, West Almond, promoted sergeant ; John R. Ramp-hill, Alfred; Daniel Hall, Ward; George L. Helm, Birdsall, promoted corporal ; Charles Hall, Ward, taken prisoner May 7, 1864; William M. Hunt, Alfred; Samuel M. Kline, Almond, died at Andersonville, Ga.; Martin Karr, Almond, wounded at Todd’s Tavern ; George E. King, Almond, promoted sergeant, transferred to veteran reserve corps ; William T. Lee, Almond ; Ebenezer W. Lowe, Almond, promoted corporal; Isaac M. Langworthy, Almond, promoted corporal, was in Salisbury prison; George Merrill, Birdsall; John R. Millard, Almond; Henry H. McGibney, West Almond, transferred to veteran reserve corps; Nelson Proper, Alfred, died Nov. 26, 1862; Benjamin F. T. Place, Alfred, wounded Aug. t 1, 2864; William O. Place, Almond; George S. Parsons, Almond, died Dec. r8, 1864; Reuben S. Potter, Alfred, wounded at Todd’s Tavern; William H. Prior, Almond, Augustus K. Ryno, Almond, promoted sergeant ; Silas Reed, Almond, died Nov. g, 2863 ; Elisha Rose, Almond, died Nov. t, 1863 ; Richard Southworth, Ward, killed at Smithfield; Ethan M. Stillman, Almond; Ira Sayles, Wellsville, promoted first lieutenant Aug. 28, 1862, captain Sept. 25, 1862 ; Richard G. Smith, Wellsville, promoted corporal; Gideon D. Stockwell, Birdsall; Henry Sawyer, West Almond; David Sabin, Oramel, transferred to veteran reserve corps; Andrew J. Satterlee, Alfred; William H. Tucker and Thomas S. Tefft, Almond; Sidney G. Treadway, Belmont; George T. Underhill and Frederick W. Van Curers, Oramel; Leroy Witter, Almond ; George W. Westcott, Alfred ; Albert R. Whitney, Almond, taken prisoner May 7, 1864 ; George Weaver, Belmont; Francis J. Kuneman, Almond ; George Sortore, Belmont ; John Brown, Alfred Center ; Robert A. Charles, Angelica; Henry M. Davis, Alfred Center ; William D. Phipps, Short Tract ; Otis White, East Rushford; Daniel A. Atwell, Belmont; William Babbitt, Rushford; Cyrus Casteline, Belmont ; Edward G. Snyder, Short Tract ; William H. Wells, Alfred Center ; John E. Baker, Philip’s Creek, transferred to veteran reserve corps; William P. Button, Philip’s Creek, transferred to veteran reserve corps; Clayton L. Hurd, West Almond, transferred to veteran reserve corps; Alfred B. Sweet, Oramel, transferred to veteran reserve corps; George Abbott, Short Tract, killed at Deserted House; William Andrews, Philip’s Creek, killed at Todd’s Tavern; Samuel D. Butler, Alfred, died June 24, 1863 ; William G. Thomas, Alfred Center, died July 12, 1864; George M. Woodworth, Alfred, killed at Port Republic; Luther Lynch, Almond, deserted; Theodora Ostrander, West Almond, deserted; Henry M. Davis, Alfred, enlisted in 1862.



Third sergeant Seth H. Weed, Grove, killed at Todd’s Tavern; Fourth Sergeant Joseph N. Flint, Burns; Third Corporal Edward L. Gilbert, Burns ; Corporal John K. Barrager, Canaseraga, died at Old Church; Corporal William Smith, Ossian, died July 17, 1864, of wounds; Corporal Godfred C. Smith, Grove.


Rufus Adams, Ziba E. Barney and Willis H. Barnum, Burns; Robert C, Chapman, Grove; James C. Cook, Burns; McCollister Crawford. Belfast; David Davison, Burns; James H. Foland. Grove, died at Andersonville, Ga.; Salmon Farr, Grove, transferred to 4th U. S. artillery; Josiah N. Flint Burns; Norman S. Fay, Burns, transferred to 4th U. S. artillery; Joseph Harwood, George R. Harwood, John R. Harwood and Chancellor L. Havens, Grove; Ransom Haight, Grove, wounded at Trevillian Station; Elijah Harwood, Grove, died Jan. 6, 1863 ; Albert W. Jacques, Burns, transferred to 4th U. S. artillery; Nathaniel Marr, Burns, died June 3, 1865; Hulcey Phelps, Grove, promoted sergeant; Milan Parker, Grove, died Sept. 10, 1864; George I. Phillips, Belfast, died December 28, 1862; Byron Russell, Grove; George H. Spoon, Grove, taken prisoner at Todd’s Tavern; John L. Spike, Grove, transferred to 4th U. S. artillery; Jesse W. Smith and John Threehouse, Grove; Orville S. Tilden, Burns; Marcus W. Wood, Grove, promoted corporal, died May 16, 1864; Hiram J. Woodard, Burns, promoted corporal, died at Andersonville, Ga.; John D. H. Wright, Ossian; Henry Fry, Grove; Lorenzo Robins, Burns; Henry Smith, East Granger; William A. Spoon, Grove; Josiah H. Flint, Canaseraga, died at Andersonville; William A. Luce, Ossian, died of wounds received June it, 1864; Hiram C. Roff, Ossian, killed at Todd’s Tavern; Thomas B. Gay, Belfast, deserted; Richard Robinson, Belfast, deserted.



-Corporal, Stephen M. Skiff, Hume, killed at Blackwater; sergeant, George W. Curtis, Fillmore; privates : Palmer R. Karns, Burns; Aaron Karns, Burns; Lyman R. Hanks, West Almond, killed at Yellow Tavern.


-Privates : John S. Dewey, Rushford; Conrad Miller, William Fairchilds, Dallas N. Fairchilds and Lorenzo D. Hyde, Belfast; Stephen Harrington and J. W. Morris, Scio; John W. Shippee and Gardner Wells, Belfast.


-Privates : James K. Hitchcock, Rushford; Clarence Clough, Almond; George F. Robinson, Wirt.


-Sergeant, Joseph C. Weldy, Burns;

privates: John McIntosh and Abram V. Race, Belfast; George W. Lewis, Almond, taken prisoner at Beaver Dam; Philip F. Whiting, Alfred, wounded and taken prisoner at Todd’s Tavern; H. N. Schleick, Wellsville, promoted to fifth,then to first sergeant May u, 1863, promoted first and second lieutenant and captain, wounded at Newtown.



 - Privates: William R. Deake, Independence, Loren G. Jennings; J. L. Crittendon, Wellsville. 




- F.W. Beers & Co.,NY; Geo. MacNamara, Printer, 36 Vesey St., NY 1879