

FRIENDSHIP (1815):  First settlers arrived in 1805.  Originally called “Bloody Corners” and / or “Fightin’ Corners” by the early settlers die to alleged weekend fights.  The finer citizens took offense, went to the other extreme and officially named it Friendship.  In the southern end of the town is the hamlet of Nile.  It is believed the named derived from the wishes of early settlers, many of who were Seventh Day Baptists. Formed from Caneadea March 24, 1815. 

FRIENDSHIP (1815):  The history of Friendship is the history of the life of most small towns of America and the people who made our country what it is today. The pioneers of Friendship came mostly from the New England States. Leaving home and friends they never expected to see again and knowing not what dangers they might meet on the way, they sought homes in the unknown wilderness.

For weeks they cut roads for their oxen, horses and wagons through unmarked forests to the location they sought in western New York State. They cut trees to build houses and sold wood ash and timber to buy the few things they could not make for themselves. They joined with their neighbors to build schools and churches and form a government to make laws for their own protection.

As the years went by they sent forth their sons and daughters to colleges and universities and positions in other parts of the country. Their sons fought and died in all the wars in which our country has been engaged. Our cemeteries on Memorial Day flutter with flags honoring those who died in the defense of their country. Many lie in foreign graves or in the ocean's depth. They gave their lives as their fore-fathers did -- for an ideal, for the freedom of their country.


Town of Friendship

(click map image to expand)
Friendship in 1856
(from a map of Allegany County published in 1856 by
Gillette, Matthews & Co.) 
Friendship 1856


Additional Information:   

Town of Friendship Officials (Town Website)

Town/Village of Friendship Related Articles

Town of Friendship Photo Gallery

Friendship Cemeteries

Friendship Veterans

Latta Family Genealogy

Friendship Schools

1865 Friendship Census