“My childhood days”
How sweet to reflect upon the days of my youth when care and troubles of various kinds were unknown to my then trusting heart and I was surrounded with fond Parents, Brothers and sisters who were all devoted to me by seeking my happiness with little courtises [sic], kind and affectionate words administering for the benefit of soul and body. Years have past and brought its changes, the burdens of life are weighing heavily upon me with its cup of sorrows. Parents who so fondly taught me the way of truth and righteousness Brothers and Sisters whose delight it was to cheer and comfort me are far from my presence. All are out of the reach of simpathy [sic] and I am alone to struggle with sorrow without a sympathizing friend to cheer me on my pilgrimage to the tomb. But shall I repine No! O God forbid and forgive my misgivings and make me to fill just such a place as thy will is concerning me of a truth thy ways are not our ways. O give me a reconciled spirit with all meekness that I may do my work well and in order ever saying thy will not mine be done
Jan 31,1864 Mary
transcribed by G. Douglas Clarke and Carol M. Clarke