From the Friendship Chronicle, May 12, 1880.
Transcribed by Yvonne E. Smith.
Excerpted from the newspaper column, "Random Ramblings".
No. 4.-Among the Archives of Allegany County
By permission of Clerk Mackman we spent a considerable time among the County archives, now placed in the inner room at the north end of the building.
[note: findings of the editor pertinent to county history appear in our section on Allegany County history]
Turning over the leaves of these records the feeling of man’s imperfect prescience was more fully impressed upon us than it had ever been before. In the space of three score years what vast changes had taken place even in this comparatively slowly moving locality. Within the span of a man’s life everything has been changed about. Few of the names familiar half a century ago still live in the memory of the present generation, yet how many are lost in the unfathomable oblivion of an inexorable past.
Finding so much of general interest and knowing the circumscribed limits of the CHRONICLE we passed over many deeds worthy of notice and selected a few of particularly [local?] significance.
Early in the first book of the county we found the following:-
Jury List for the Town of Friendship 1816. Joseph Culver, Timothy Hyde, Luther Axtell, Joseph Grover, Martin Darby, Ebenezerr Steenrod, Stephen Cole, Bethuel Clark, John Niver, Azel Backley, Charles Harlbard, William Hungerfore, Hira Axtell, Jno Harrison Jr., Elisha Strong, John Hopkins, Lev Couch, Samuel Darby, Benjamin Crabtree, Lemuel Haskins, John Benet, Daniel Willard, John Utter, Harris Cetcham, Josiah Utter, Hery Utter, Peter [Zeilie], Orthello Church, Zebedee Gates, Edward Steenrod, Ralph Ingersol.
A True Copy,
Talcot Gold, Town Clerk,
Return of Constables from Friendship, [1818? Ira Hickcox, George Dettenor?, Orin] Hull.
We then traced up the records of the foundation of the various religious societies in our midst. According to the deeds recorded the Friendship 1st Baptist Society was organized at a meeting held in the School House near Ira Hickcox Wednesday 17th Oct. 1821, Othello Church, Benjamin Crabtree and David Brayman were chosen Trustees.
This was Recorded Oct. 24 1821.
The Friendship 1st Seventh Day Baptist Society was organized at a meeting held in 7th Day Baptists Meeting House Sunday 5th Day of July 1829. Walter B. Gilbert and James Maxson Presidents, Richard B. Davis, Secretary. Able Maxon, Samuel Crandall and Henry Smally Jr., were chosen Trustees.
Recorded Dec. 7th 1829.
A few months later the Friendship Methodist Episcopal Church was organized at a meeting held 29th September 1829. Sylvester Cary and Jacob J. Stebbins acting as Presidents. Frederick Lambert, Nelson Hoyt, Mills Carter, Samuel Mott and Jacob J. Stebbens were chosen Trustees.
The following is a copy of the record in connection with the organization of the First Congregational Church of Friendship:-
Agreeable to previous and public notice according to the provision of the Statue for the incorporation of Religious Societies a meeting was held at the Baptist Meeting House in the Town of Friendship and County Allegany on the Twenty-eight day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five for the purpose of organizing a Society in said Town for religious purposes according to provision of said Statute, Timothy Pearce and Obadiah Rouse were chosen to preside as officers of the Election of Trustees. The meeting then proceeded to ballot for the choich[sic] of three trustees when upon canvassing the vote it appeared that Elisha Strong, Ira Cotton and Obadiah Rouse were by a plurality of votes chosen.
Resolved unanimously that this Society shall be called and known by the Title or name of first congregational society of Friendship. We certify the above to be a true record of the meeting. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year first above written.
The Universalist Society of Friendship is the latest church organization, having been effected at a Meeting held at the house of Martin Scott, May 22nd 1854: L.A. Reynolds Presiding. M. Scott Sec. Trustees chosen Royal Adams 1 year S.A. Merriam 2 years, L.A. Reynolds 3 years.
Recorded 5th June 1854.
Another record of interest is that of the old cemetery association known as the Friendship Rural Cemetery Association, organized on 8th day of Dec. 1853, at a meeting at the house of Wm. Bradley. There were present Samuel C. Cotton, Wm. Colwell, William H. King, R.C. Buskirk, Samuel N. Horum, Royal H. Adams, Sidney Rigdon, Ira D. Harshorn, Henry Baxter, Martin Scott, Benjamin Robinson, Gideon Sisson, William Bradley, Ambrose S. Ferris. Sidney Rigdon Chairman. The following were chosen:--
Trustees 2nd class S.W. Coldwell, Rigdon, H. Baxter.